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Elven Ascension Portal Opens!!!

Uncategorized Dec 13, 2021

Beloved Star of Worlds,


Elven Starlight Ascension website is back online!!! You will see above the new logo, that is the Temple of the Morningstar, that holds the Elven & Star teachings on awakening as a Star Creator upon earth. It is also the temple of Ar-Ari-Fina, an Elven domain that is rising once more as part of the New Earth, ancient realms that are returning now. My dream and calling is to hold this realm of returning remembrance, with the silver and golden wheels woven through. It has been a long year of the most extraordinary integration of these, as I have been teaching and holding these transmissions. My heart and soul have been much taken with the teaching of the Elven Supernova Writing Program since September, and it is one thing to have seen the prophecy of the Golden Codexes of the Dawn, another to see in 'real time' the transcription, the return of the records and their wisdom holders. It is beyond beautiful, beyond exquisite. I had a vision in the ruins...

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Sun Disc of the Reindeer People

Beloved Star of Worlds,


I see the Solar Disc, of etched platinum and gold an ancient star of the people landing and altering the ways that have been; bringing the older way, that is yet a beginning. A higher dimensional ground, an inter-galactic and ascended earth ever more woven underfoot. 

This is the Sun Disc of the Reindeer People

It is the Golden Wheel

The Sun Disc holds the codes of the New Sun

The White Reindeer Path

The Sun Disc was once physical, wrought of golds of earth by the Reindeer People when they received the prophecy of the seventh Sun. They set about forming it of the purest golds, as shown by the earth. But this was never its main intention, to become physical. It was first wrought in the etheric by the Elven during the earliest starlight ages of earth, as a record of the Great Ages of Starlight, of the Sun. This is the record of the times when the Sun becomes a Diamond Sun, and was fore-seen and known, tuned into when these...

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Moon of the Trees

In the galactic Moons of the Silver Wheel, this is the Emerald Moon, the teaching of the trees, the groves, the forest. This is the emerald wisdom of the Guardian, Elder heart, and our shift into higher, cosmic purpose and destiny. Overlit by the beautiful Star Elders of Cassiopeia. Blessings on your Emerald Moon, may you shine in your highest, farthest Light for all worlds

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Oak & Firelight

oak remembrance Aug 12, 2021

In the firelight, one world becoming another

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Gold Liquidity & the Reindeer People

Beloved Star of Worlds,


The People came here to roam in the Light. This is why they are the Reindeer People. They are not made to belong to the material universe, to anchor into this


They are made to roam the Light and the cosmic frequencies of the Dawn


The Dawn is the ever-arriving Source codes of existence, that underlie everything else. All else is the solidification of Light. Once it has solidified, it no longer exists. This is its diminishment, this is its falling away. 


The People honoured this process, and understood that once the Light fulfils itself into the dimension of materiality, this is the time to let it go.


This is when it is gifted forth and surrendered


IT is not claimed and held onto


The solidification of Light causes a separation, and calls them away from the Home they truly reside within, which is the Light Paths of Creation, the flowing and ever-changing Light Ways that span heaven and earth


To claim...

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Wild Love & Far Love

Beloved Star of Dawn, I’ve been so touched by the responses to my recent Elven Rock Star post. I had no idea that I would be met by your beautiful starlight heart and response in this way ~ I have felt it, truly felt it, a thousand times over. While a part of me wanted to fold away butterfly wings forever afterwards, overwhelmed by my own openness, I also have felt this dialogue, a deeper connection, like a living flame, opening up within ~ a longing to speak with you! 


The thousand fiery butterflies of remembrance can seem so elusive ~ so powerfully present one moment, and vanished the next. Yet the magnetic of our longing, our heart, our passion never diminishes or disappears. On the inner plane these last years, my quest has been the coming together of these powers of soul. How does this passionate love that is worldly and wild and human, link with the far and otherworldly love, the far reaches of remembrance? Some of my favourite music ~ some days Enya, some...

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Elven Rock Star

Beloved Star of Worlds, I cannot think of any journey that means more to me than the journey of identity, of remembering who I am. I remember as I finally wrote Silver wheel, after years of gathering words, beautiful as a thousand fiery butterflies, but untranslatable into a true book that would mean anything to anyone else ~ I finally challenged myself to pen the true wisdom of the codex of remembrance, to own that I COULD. I realised that I didn’t really believe I ever would, I always placed it JUST beyond my own reach, and this kept me circling, always preparing towards it. This post that I am writing now has similarly presented over and over again for at least the last two years, and I have spiralled around and around, and I would love now finally to write. It’s because it’s so personal, and that has never really been my intention or desire with writing, to tell my own story. I was always shown that Silver Wheel was the vast Codex of the People ~ it is our...
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Sapphire & Moonstone

Beloved Star of Worlds, We are turning to the doorways that we must, there is little time but for the unique pathway beneath our feet, tawny moccasins treading the path, a mosaic of sapphire and moonstone underfoot ~ the visions that are known to you

There is some becoming that is underway, the New Solar Self of your own I Am radiance
In the ceremony that has been foretold, and used to lie before you and within you like a dream, there is now no distance, you are moving through its vanishing point, into its reality
Less and less real does the outer seem, of the reality that does not stem from the Soul ~ it is fading, fragile, and when we make our journeys there, there is the acuteness of unreality, instability. And more than anything, the impossibility of walking within the limits of a dream that we never meant to make our own
We are returning to the liquid fire of freedom, as the old control is breaking up, a pure and Immortal Starlight White...
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Lilac Starfire of Ascension

Beloved Star of Dawn,


Fire lilac of the ancient and far citadels arising, as the new palest gold of immortal starlight frequencies flowed through in the sunlight, through the Ostara 21.3.21 ~ Easter 4.4.21 Stargate 


New realms of the Immortal Starlight Earth are appearing, those to which we are Gatekeeper, and there is a pause following the stargate, as the beam of the new sun travels far, and farther than before, awakening myriad Starlight Temples with flashes of gold light, lifting the veils of density and altering the field of possibility, shifting the parameters of that which we create/dream in a process of unveiling


Lilac domains, archways, azure waterfalls of crystalline existence


And the old weight of rock, the old inertia of the sleeping ones, the long dormancy and slumber, lifting still further


The weight is felt, the suspension, the pause and pull of the stillness, the question of whether to go forward, of whether such density can...

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Easter Solar Radiance

Happy Easter Beloved Star of Worlds, herein are words that came through this morn, as I wrote 'Golden Wheel'... that is arriving at this time, day by day! A powerful day to access your dreaming, the arriving Self. With Great Love, Elen

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