Elven Newsletter

Ascension Writings, Articles & Updates to Support your Remembrance & Return for the Dawn


7 Ceremonies of the White Bear


Beloved Star, As I write the Golden Elven records for the Dawn, it is White Fox who guides me through the golden leafen pages, that I first saw as a blossoming Celestial radiance being gifted from the North, long stored in ice and snow, in 2015 


I placed a sequence of crystals upon the floor, guided that these would be 7 ceremonies of the White Bear, that I would dance in the volcanic mountains, lakes and forests of the North West Pacific coast of the U.S., into the Rockie Mountains and finishing in the Arctic. It was a journey beyond anything I had ever imagined, and yet echoed through me with such a power and reality, an undeniable calling


For it is White Bear, In Tan Tika, who has revealed the return of White Reindeer Woman, Ainu Ainara, and her Elven record. This journey would require vast, beautiful, challenging footsteps, taking me beyond who I thought I was, casting off the paralysis and lostness that tells us we carry nothing, and synchronising...

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Golden Wheel of Gwenhwyfar Ainu Ainara Isis Ashtara


One of the things that calls me to write the Golden Wheel is the longing to write that which has never before been recorded ~ the Golden Elven record of Gwenhwyfar Ainu Ainara Isis Ashtara 

And where this meets with the record of White Reindeer Woman and the Reindeer People

It is a convergence of ancient and future records ~ of human, native wisdom ways remembered through my soul star 

Seeded long ago by the starlight of Elder Ascended Galaxies of Light, carried on Reindeer paths

It’s so transcendent a calling, yet also the gifts of the Book as I write it are so very personal. These last few moons, it brought forth such hidden gifts


Restoring fierceness 

Letting go of cycles of over-giving, correcting energy imbalances

Taking back of power ~ Isis Ashtara

Attunement to the golden heart beat of White Reindeer Woman

Radical self-love, a cocoon of self-care & sacred cladding


Under Peach Trees, blossoming, woven with Star Magnolia that...

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Reindeer Woman & the Creation of Reality

Beloved Angel, I share the final wisdom of the Star Magnolia Moon and the new Auric Presence ~ the wisdom of White Reindeer Woman and our newly anchored power of Creation! A new timeline has arrived, anchored, delivered and offered itself fully


You will notice a new coherence between inner and outer, as though something. You’ve been looking towards for a long time is now fully available and activated


There is no more preparations and oddly, no more resistance


The last egoic barrier has been overcome, so that your smaller self is not holding you separate from this golden dream, this golden reality


The aura is the dreaming star ship, it is how we create


You shall find this new depth of coherence between your hologram and your core, and actions belonging to your core flowing from you with more power and ease


We have crossed a threshold this Star Magnolia Moon


It is time to live in your quantum divine, sovereign dreaming magic, of...

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Elven Ascension Update & Golden Wheel

Beloved Angel, Here is Immortal Star Pod #60  ~ Elven Ascension update of this week. In this the last phase of the Star Magnolia Moon, there is the collapse of the old auric field, and the Sun Disc of your Homeworld is being offered to you by Earth, Gaia.  

After a powerful dismantling this Full Moon, I sit drumming and singing in front of my altar  

Connecting to the Immortal Starlight essence and heartbeat of the Earth in her Ascension  

We are here for her Ascending Heart.  And right now she is deep in her creation of Golden Realms  

She is creating our multiple individualised star nodes within her body of Light  

And this is now becoming the Earthen Golden Sphere of our New Aura  

I share so much more in this pod ~ about Golden Wheel, that I am writing at the moment, White Reindeer Woman, and theme of Immortal Starlight I AM Self-expression ~ of how this happens at the level both of Earth and Stars  

May this Bless your Most beautiful...

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