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Elven Newsletter

Ascension Writings, Articles & Updates to Support your Remembrance & Return for the Dawn


Sapphire & Swanfeather

Of sapphire starlight and beginnings. It is my joy to walk with my starlight kindred in the time of beginnings, by the light of an earth born under the stars, before the time of the sun and the time of the moon.

To let go of the veil that has held us bound and invisible to ourselves and one another, dropping the veil of density, the cadences of a world to which we do not belong and never have, to return to the reality that we are destined to bring here, to make real once more
To walk with you, sapphire and swan feathers
To walk with you, under the starlight of remembrance
Remembering true destiny
Learning the wisdom of return, of what it is to ground these great angelic swanfeather wings of the otherworld, the infinite and galactic and star wisdom, the celestial and primordial remembrance
To enter this New Earth of a returning world, to step over the threshold into this parallel and multi-dimensional earth long...
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Learning to Receive Love

Diamond Moon, 28th March 2021


With this full moon, this diamond full moon, I see a golden stargate, flecked with violet and azure orbs, a rich gold, that has a new level of realisation, a solidified reality, a physicalised reality delivering itself through the heart. It wishes to arrive, and it is a surrender into Love. Love as realised codes arriving. This reality is asking to be accepted. Can you accept the Love, that is present, or do you push it away?


There can be sudden and unexpected reflexes, when we push Love away due to pain within us. The very reality we long for, we reject when it comes near.


It feels too much to take it in, we can not accept it.


We are inured to long wait, long struggle, we do not believe ourselves worthy.


This physicalised golden realty would deliver itself through this Full Moon Stargate. This means opening the moon of your heart. The lunar aspect of your heart is the receiving part, and its wounds make it push away...

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Ostara Elven Stargate 21.3.21

Beloved Star of the Dawn, Blessings of the New Diamond Moon and this time of Spring Equinox/Ostara, one of the great gateways in our ascension. I would love to invite you to the Ostara Elven Stargate FREE Online Ceremony, Sunday 21st March at 6-8pm (UK time). This shall be an Elven Teaching and Transmission of shamanic drum and Elven Starlight Sounding, a time for you to visit and dream your own Elemental Temples of Light ~ of fire, earth, water and air ~ into being. It is a time to call in BALANCE as the new solar golden codes of Soul align through every part of our lives. You shall journey/dream/vision the Four Elemental Temples of Fire, Earth, Water and Air, that correspond with the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental aspects of who you are. You shall witness them in their full, New Dawn radiance/ancient starlight resonance, allowing for clearing and recalibration.

Witness the Starfire of the New Solar Radiance pouring through the pillars, archways, domains of the Temples...

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Synchronising with the Golden Earth

Uncategorized Mar 09, 2021

Beloved Star of Infinite Worlds, In this the light of the Pearl Moon, the Elven and Starlight transmissions have continued, and the seven Great Starlight Ages of Creation on earth, by which Elder, Angelic, Shining consciousness has long forged this path of Immortal Starlight, of Oversoul embodiment, past and future, have downloaded into embodiment/full remembrance.


We have been through a passage of truly immense proportions, through which the completed template of Immortal Starlight presence of an intergalactic and infinite earth inflows. Through our Sun so this has been coming, since the Solstice, and received now to the heart of earth, to the heart of our lives and physical cellular structures. 


As a result, there is a phasing out of the fourth-dimensional emotional/mental constructs by which we have subtly/etherically lived breathed ~ both within the earth and within our own timeline. The bridging structures of our ascending reality are phasing out, those...

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New Gold Moon

Uncategorized Dec 15, 2020

Blessings of the New Gold Moon, beautiful Solar Eclipse gateway walked through. Ancient purity of lunar gifts awakening, a silvery celestial mandala that is the gateway to the New Sun. It is time to walk this way. Ignite your ancient, timeless gifts, bringing all that is called forth at this time. Through the phases of the moonlight, this our processional way on a pathway of celestial mosaic, white silvery trees overarching, as we move through the pulses of Light that guide us to the Solstice.

I feel the mystic deepening light, the shimmering of alteration within all, and the confluence of a greater timeline of intention. May the soul initiation you have long since dreamt amongst the stars be accomplished.


With Infinite, Elfin Love, Elen Elenna



A glimpse of the Elven Starlight Journey this moon....


Welcome to the Gold Moon, and the wisdom of non-judgement, the great silvery wings of angelic sentience and multi-dimensional vision. This is a moon to...

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Iridiscent Wings

Uncategorized Dec 04, 2020

Immortal Starlight presence comes to me with iridescent wings, with the tones of the silver wheel lit within, the full galactic, angelic DNA shining through the translucent gold, platinum and diamond wing structure.

It can be carried now through a higher resonance, sustained through embodiment, these codes and teachings about the true nature of reality beyond the veil of separation

Ebb and flow of that which the Solstice Portal brings...



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Gold Tree & Silver Tree

Uncategorized Dec 02, 2020

Announcing on a note of beauty, sadness, cosmic unfoldment, that my most extraordinary friend, Elven Celestial Elven Wizard Joanna Jane Delves and I realised that we have completed the 'practical' part of our Sapphire Earth coming together, and have let go of this. Many shall miss her glowing presence here, but please know her beautiful energy shall ever be part of the founding light of Sapphire Earth, and you can still read her articles in the Elven Journal.

Her soul support has been Immense in grounding this space and vision. She has truly been the silvery tree, and great cosmic heart helping the Elven Starlight Journey and Sapphire Earth come into being. We are surrendering to the joy of puffing on Elder Pipes and slippers in friendship, and letting go of the work part, for now!

Sometimes the surrenders are of that which is so beautiful, it makes the heart ache, even though we know they lead to greater expansion. I share the image of the Gold and Silver Trees of Valinor, drawn by...

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Silver Moon Lunar Eclipse

Uncategorized Jul 05, 2020


Sunday, 5th July, 2020



Blessings of the Full Silver Moon Lunar Eclipse ~ like a fiery, silvery lantern, a lamp of new silvers, far light


When this far lamp is lit, you alter worlds ~ and the silver lamp of the Immortal Starlight, the Elder dimension that you hold is now being called forth


White silver, dusky, the lanterns glow upon the river of return, the river of remembrance


One to another, our music summons one another, a vibration that is a movement into a New Dawn


We have travelled far, and there is still further to go, but the celestial music is building like a summoning between us


Great, silver wings break forth


Arching, of a different light


This is a different time


Rebel, wild, mysterious soul


For the untamed wild light of love and peace that is without dominion by any other is lighting within


And its moonlit, moon glow depths are untrammelled, uncharted as though you walked to silver...

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Rose Moon Transmission

Uncategorized Jun 05, 2020

The old and timeless rose citadels of Love, towers and galactic spheres, zones whose geometries are phasing into existence once more. The access is being restored as the shadow and the light fly home to one another, and the lost dance of what lay beyond is restored. 


It is somewhere in the place that cannot be reached, and yet is here, always.


As the leaves and petals of the greater galactic rose fuse together once more, overlapping, petal upon petal, dimension upon dimension


Corridors and dimensions of passage, a great adventure profoundly longed for, that arrives from the future, advancing toward you and opening a different ground beneath your feet. A star of ways, a star of peace. Have you noticed how the pathways lie open under your feet. O to have freedom restored. It is the freedom of reunion, of a greater harmonic.





Star paths that run between us, dreamt in our greater breath. Once home, it feels impossible ever to have...

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Wolf Light

Uncategorized Feb 12, 2020


Darkness descends in the frozen forest.  The Sun has long since dropped below the mists of the horizon.   And the Moon has not yet found her place among the stars.

It is the hour of Wolf Light.  When dusky ancient magic looms among the trees, and one can no longer distinguish dog from wolf.  The shadows have swallowed the last of the light, and one can barely find ones way through the forest.
Perhaps, like so many, you have been wandering through these haunted woods for what feels like an endless night.  
The terrain underfoot has felt uncertain and treacherous, fears have been uprooted from the shadows and we have stumbled over gnarled roots in the dark.
You have not wandered alone, beloved one.
We have been journeying through a passage of preternatural immensity. 
These past weeks have given rise to some of the greatest transformations we have yet seen on our cosmic travels. 
They have taken the guise of death,...
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