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Elven Ashtara 23.9.22

Beloved Star of Worlds,

I would love to invite you to Elven Ashtara 23.9.22 ~ on Friday, 23rd September I shall share this Elven Equinox Stargate Video ~ so no need to sign up, it shall arrive to your inbox! This is the most beautiful 7th and completing journey of the Temple of the Morningstar Elven Stargate transmissions we have been holding since December Solstice 2021.


It is a journey to the Elven Ascended Galaxy of Ashtara in Lanaikea, overlit by the Rose Flame of the Everlasting Stars




ACTIVATE the Star of your Heart, of your Innermost Love


It is your Compass, your Guiding Star.


AMPLIFY the Star of the Heart. Of Love.


As the completing of the Ceremonies of the Temple of the Morningstar, there is this innermost Rose Star of the Heart, of Coming Home to love and profound self-acceptance in this Now Moment.


Deepen into this frequency this Equinox ~ as we enter the next...

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Beloved Star of Worlds, 


Of this time, to speak of Telynahari, port world of the Elven. This a transition point between the Ascended Elven Galaxies of Light in Lanaikea, and the galaxies of our physical Universe that are entering this cycle of evolution


The ships, the Swan Ships, from here have long sailed. They travel on the braided waters of worlds, especially shimmering lilac and azure.


Transitions, from one world to another, for so you are in transition, transit


Lilac fires of a New Gown of Light




Lilac fires ~ the water flows by going nowhere, here the Immortal Starlight body-abode becomes


Be with the Waters


Lilac body, First Body


Fibres, light filaments, physical filaments lengthening: form being elongated and freed


Lilac and rainbow moonstone


Gold is around


Telynahari ~ where physical fibres, light flow structures are designed and formed for physical Immortality (this is...

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Pearl Moon


Beloved Star of Worlds, Blessings of the New Pearl Moon, in the Galactic and Ascension moons of the Elven and Star Elders. This is the moon of a quantum leap, of activating the angelic future you hold as the NOW.


It is the moment to take up your power and initiate the next cycle of your existence, the pearl of a future time.  An unprecedented access to the Golden Crystalline, Angelic Record of Earth, and the library of our DNA is bringing direct revelation in wave after wave.


Ancient, angelic starlight souls ~ we gather the pearls of the Tree of Peace, orbs wrought of ancient time that are the future. Invisible to many, a timeline imperceptible to 4D and 3D consciousness, you gather the pearls of the Immortal Tree of Worlds, and walk the ways of Peace.


Activate the Pearl of your farthest timeline ~ it is quiet, continuous, and vastly powerful, this Way. 


In the Imbolc Ceremony 1.2.22 we activated the silver voice of the Angel. Still, at...

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Sun Disc of the Reindeer People

Beloved Star of Worlds,


I see the Solar Disc, of etched platinum and gold an ancient star of the people landing and altering the ways that have been; bringing the older way, that is yet a beginning. A higher dimensional ground, an inter-galactic and ascended earth ever more woven underfoot. 

This is the Sun Disc of the Reindeer People

It is the Golden Wheel

The Sun Disc holds the codes of the New Sun

The White Reindeer Path

The Sun Disc was once physical, wrought of golds of earth by the Reindeer People when they received the prophecy of the seventh Sun. They set about forming it of the purest golds, as shown by the earth. But this was never its main intention, to become physical. It was first wrought in the etheric by the Elven during the earliest starlight ages of earth, as a record of the Great Ages of Starlight, of the Sun. This is the record of the times when the Sun becomes a Diamond Sun, and was fore-seen and known, tuned into when these...

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