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New Year Energies & Guidance 2024


Beloved Star of Worlds,

Warmest Blessings of 2024! It has been a little while! I have moved from Avalon, packed up my home into storage, and it has been a Solstice/Christmas of great change! I would love to share with you this transformative journey, and guidance for the energy of 2024 that has been so profoundly supportive to me right now (you can listen/watch via Immortal Star Pod #53, all links below).


Each Solstice, we shift into a completely different pattern of Light, receiving New Cosmic Instructions from Source.


These are outside of all existing and established magnetics and realities here, and are truly star-seeded, star-borne. We lift our gaze, our hearts to the heavens. We release the old magnetic fields, the old bindings and expectations, the old sense of progression, of time and space and their coordinates in consciousness, however composed. 


The cycle completing is one that we can truly honour. There is, in what came through for you...

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White Reindeer Women & Elven Cities of Light


Beloved Star of Worlds, Warmest Blessings of this New Oak Moon, in the Elven and Galactic Cycles of the Dawn. O my goodness, just this very morning it feels like the greatest crystallisation of much that has been forming, a convergence of Earth and Immortal Starlight, Diamond realities. I feel as though completely re-structured, and opening my heart to 7th Dimensional and Beyond physical realities/creation in a tangible way. It has been a very intense week!


I would love to share with you Immortal Starlight Pod 23 ~ Elven Cities of Light. I have been in writing retreat this week, writing the 7 Holy Books of the Elven Cities of Light. With swanfeather and copal, forming sacred space. I have felt that I am in a Kota (Sami tent), as my White Reindeer Woman avatar, listening to these ancient and eternal realms of Earth returning for the Dawn. The Books are so holy, so beyond beautiful ~ of Earth and the Immortal Starlight long woven (I shall share them in Elven Aurora...

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Your Golden 7D Temple

Beloved Star,

Welcome to the realm of Immortal Starlight Dream Pod Episode #10 ~ Your Golden Temple!

I explore the Restoration of the Keys of Power in the very core of our physical realities, and the creation of the 7th Dimensional Golden Temples of our Angelical, First and Elder Starlight for the Dawn.

What are the Golden Temples? How does this relate to the energetics of the Now ~ I share also my own journey of the transfiguration of physical, financial, worldly realities, of the golden and silver codes of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, of inner and outer, physical and spiritual realities as they are transforming at this time.

Brown envelopes, beautiful lostness, physical reality and golden letterboxes (all explained within!) …. May the owls drop this Elven envelope/invitation down the chimney at just the right moment for you! May your Golden Temple receive a most beautiful activation and summoning here

May the Golden Temples of the First and the Elder Light...

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What is the Song of Discord?

Beloved Angel, 


In Immortal Star Pod Episode #9 I explore the nature of the Song of Discord ~ the beautiful and strange time we reside in, with one ‘music’ of creation phasing out, and another one arriving. Of how to track which song you are in, at the most subtle levels, how to distinuigsh the subtle layers of ancient inversions that can overlay our purest gift and I AM song/light/Self for the Dawn, and remain/become profoundly True.


The old power structures, overlays in existence and predominance especially since the time of Atlantis, are founded in this primordial separation and song of Discord. Powerful inversions that hold a certain hierarchical power structure, order and flow of energy that are now collapsing.


Bring the Light of the Great Central Sun, the Radiance of your Homeworld to illuminate and recode an area of your life affected by these. When we feel crushed, controlled, corralled, sent back, imprisoned by implacable forces that...

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Elven Cities of Light Returning

Beloved Star of Worlds, 


There is the activation of the New Diamond Light Codes, the next wave of our Ascension. The Mystical 7 Cities of Elven Lemuria rise


Thelarian, Dan’arian, Gantharel, Laianora, Ariandelie, Elaiye, Nunariya


Halls of Timelessness opening here


Immortal Starlight, White Golden Starlight Ways


Fair, Gates opening, those Cities of 7 Lights, connected to the Temple of the Morningstar, of Celestial and Starlight Creation


Each City a Realm of Timelessness, Ascended and Galactic anchored here.


They are inter-linked lights, fair lanterns, golden and rose and lemon and azure and emerald shine out from the cities, gently and powerfully illuminating the land


Long here, beautiful lanterns


Fair illumination, the towers of your Dreams rising. Walking further than ever before the ground of the New Earth, 7D-12D plane and embodiment anchoring now


May the realms activate throughout your Life ~ feeling...

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