Ascension Writings, Articles & Updates to Support your Remembrance & Return for the Dawn
Announcing on a note of beauty, sadness, cosmic unfoldment, that my most extraordinary friend, Elven Celestial Elven Wizard Joanna Jane Delves and I realised that we have completed the 'practical' part of our Sapphire Earth coming together, and have let go of this. Many shall miss her glowing presence here, but please know her beautiful energy shall ever be part of the founding light of Sapphire Earth, and you can still read her articles in the Elven Journal.
Her soul support has been Immense in grounding this space and vision. She has truly been the silvery tree, and great cosmic heart helping the Elven Starlight Journey and Sapphire Earth come into being. We are surrendering to the joy of puffing on Elder Pipes and slippers in friendship, and letting go of the work part, for now!
Sometimes the surrenders are of that which is so beautiful, it makes the heart ache, even though we know they lead to greater expansion. I share the image of the Gold and Silver Trees of Valinor, drawn by...
Sunday, 5th July, 2020
Blessings of the Full Silver Moon Lunar Eclipse ~ like a fiery, silvery lantern, a lamp of new silvers, far light
When this far lamp is lit, you alter worlds ~ and the silver lamp of the Immortal Starlight, the Elder dimension that you hold is now being called forth
White silver, dusky, the lanterns glow upon the river of return, the river of remembrance
One to another, our music summons one another, a vibration that is a movement into a New Dawn
We have travelled far, and there is still further to go, but the celestial music is building like a summoning between us
Great, silver wings break forth
Arching, of a different light
This is a different time
Rebel, wild, mysterious soul
For the untamed wild light of love and peace that is without dominion by any other is lighting within
And its moonlit, moon glow depths are untrammelled, uncharted as though you walked to silver...
The old and timeless rose citadels of Love, towers and galactic spheres, zones whose geometries are phasing into existence once more. The access is being restored as the shadow and the light fly home to one another, and the lost dance of what lay beyond is restored.
It is somewhere in the place that cannot be reached, and yet is here, always.
As the leaves and petals of the greater galactic rose fuse together once more, overlapping, petal upon petal, dimension upon dimension
Corridors and dimensions of passage, a great adventure profoundly longed for, that arrives from the future, advancing toward you and opening a different ground beneath your feet. A star of ways, a star of peace. Have you noticed how the pathways lie open under your feet. O to have freedom restored. It is the freedom of reunion, of a greater harmonic.
Star paths that run between us, dreamt in our greater breath. Once home, it feels impossible ever to have...
Darkness descends in the frozen forest. The Sun has long since dropped below the mists of the horizon. And the Moon has not yet found her place among the stars.
On this beautiful Solstice, on this longest night, and in the deepest darkness, we ignite a great beacon.
A sapphire light of unimaginable presence, the dream of the Elders that was once buried deep within the Earth.
It is a herald to the Elder Souls arriving to remembrance at this time of great cosmic transcendence, at the turning of this mighty tide.
From this dimensional gateway of Silver and Gold, we beckon, to our elemental kindred, our stellar starlight brethren, and all ascending souls.
Join us as we embark on this epic journey together, beloved ones. As we venture to the White Grove and to the infinite reaches beyond.
With shining bright love,
Joanna Jane
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