Ascension Writings, Articles & Updates to Support your Remembrance & Return for the Dawn
Beloved Angel, Infinite Elven Sunstar Blessings of Imbolc 3.2.23. The realms are rising. The Golden Sunfire Wheel of Infinite Worlds gifts itself. Sparking and resplendent, it spins and turns. Offering to us the realms of Creation.
Imbolc is a Celestial Earthly Stargate, at this time of the snowdrop in the Northern Hemisphere, and the Fire of Brigit, of creational life-force and the seeds within the womb of earth stirring. At this magical and potent moment, halfway between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, Ostara, there is a vast revelation and suspension of energies.
Sunfire of home worlds are returning, in-flowing.
There is a Great Turning, a Great Altering in the tide.
So many sunfire doorways, long since locked and sealed, hidden, are opening.
This creates immense alteration, it stills the wheel of time, everything suspends. For a moment we gaze upon the Sunfire Doors, suddenly lit and visible. Illumined with patterns ancient and wrought,...
Beloved Star of Worlds,
You are so very welcome to join to the FREE Online Beltane Elven Stargate 1.5.22, sign up here. At this time of Beltane, ancient Fire Festival and portal between worlds, following the Solar Eclipse of the New Moon, is our next great global ceremony of the Dawn
Walk in the Golden Star forests of the Elven Ascended Galaxy of Orla, where long the Elven have walked and lived. They are the Elven Elders who long have mastered the Golden Flame of the Sacred Imagination ~ the cosmic play of the active, dreaming mind in alignment with the Heart of Creation
This is the time, the ceremony, of a Sacred Marriage, a Golden Marriage with your Sacred Imagination
Activate this at the highest levels ~
A Sacred Marriage with the Golden Spiritual Sun of your Being
The Quantum Destination, the place where you have been heading all along. From this quantum golden liquidity, Immortal Starlight, we enter/are/become the...
With this full moon, this diamond full moon, I see a golden stargate, flecked with violet and azure orbs, a rich gold, that has a new level of realisation, a solidified reality, a physicalised reality delivering itself through the heart. It wishes to arrive, and it is a surrender into Love. Love as realised codes arriving. This reality is asking to be accepted. Can you accept the Love, that is present, or do you push it away?
There can be sudden and unexpected reflexes, when we push Love away due to pain within us. The very reality we long for, we reject when it comes near.
It feels too much to take it in, we can not accept it.
We are inured to long wait, long struggle, we do not believe ourselves worthy.
This physicalised golden realty would deliver itself through this Full Moon Stargate. This means opening the moon of your heart. The lunar aspect of your heart is the receiving part, and its wounds make it push away...
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