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NEW ELVEN POD! Who is Gwenhwyfar?

Beloved Star, In Elven pod Episode #3 I share my Remembering of Gwenhwyfar ~ Ancient White Golden Elven Queen of Immortal Starlight ~ An Angelical Presence of First Time, of the Elder Light, in her dimension, a mosaic celestial floor of solar radiance stretching out all around, the White Golden, Immortal Starlight.


She is one who remembers all, is bound to the heart of Creation, a Wisdom aspect of its true nature.


An Ancient, Angelic, Golden, Eternal Light


She is connected to the Divine Order, the flow and sequencing of the Ages of Starlight that have been, and the Age that is to come. This is why Avalon, and Camelot, and the Round Table are all so intimately connected to her


She is the Wisdom of the New Sun, inflowing radiance of the celestial golden lattices and architectures of the New Earth


May this Remembrance serve your own Solar Crystalline Light arising for the New Dawn!


With Infinite, Elfin Love



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Beloved Star of Worlds,
City of Light, Ariandelïe, dimension of Earth of the Elven. Opening up all around. The starships, dimensions future, of a moment diamond, crystalline. White stargate, earth gate, ways of the People. Never perceived before in this lifetime. I walk again in our cities, lands. I remember.
Let yourself see the impossible. Let yourself see what you deliberately veiled from yourself.
I feel them around me, the People. We are touching hand to hand. The Gateway, the Download is immense.
I walk in the gardens once more, the archways rising around. I can feel the frequency of the kindred.
You are being given the key to the next level. Unlock the door. Unlock the way for the People.
We lived here. We shall live here again. It is flashing in and out of view. It took all of the codes of all of the star systems to found this City and make it physical. It...
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Pearl Moon


Beloved Star of Worlds, Blessings of the New Pearl Moon, in the Galactic and Ascension moons of the Elven and Star Elders. This is the moon of a quantum leap, of activating the angelic future you hold as the NOW.


It is the moment to take up your power and initiate the next cycle of your existence, the pearl of a future time.  An unprecedented access to the Golden Crystalline, Angelic Record of Earth, and the library of our DNA is bringing direct revelation in wave after wave.


Ancient, angelic starlight souls ~ we gather the pearls of the Tree of Peace, orbs wrought of ancient time that are the future. Invisible to many, a timeline imperceptible to 4D and 3D consciousness, you gather the pearls of the Immortal Tree of Worlds, and walk the ways of Peace.


Activate the Pearl of your farthest timeline ~ it is quiet, continuous, and vastly powerful, this Way. 


In the Imbolc Ceremony 1.2.22 we activated the silver voice of the Angel. Still, at...

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