Your mystic heart becomes the invitation, you are the one of your people who chose to incarnate here, to take on physical form upon this earth.
Your people from the stars await your invitation to join you here, to flow in through the shimmering star braid of photonic and plasma radiance, to land all around you.
Your wild heart, with all its ancient and future, timeless and Eternal Power, is the summoning and the call ~ it is the magnet for your realm of affinity.
The Jasmine Moon of the Elven, like this twining, delicate, heavenly scented flower, is a Star Braid of energy that flows through to the Lionsgate 8.8
It is a moon when we become the summoning, the call to our people
Rather than feeling lonely, not belonging, disconnection ~ wondering if our dimensionality exists ~ there is the beautiful inversion of realising we are the summoning, the creational call
We are calling forth our realms, establishing them here. So much wishes to flow through, to land
This year 2024 is one of innermost essence = greatest interconnection, and the exquisite magnetics of the innermost heart is now established, so that the star fall, descending braid of Homeworlds can follow
Like the corn, exquisitely braided, that is the Lammas Harvest, so too our worlds can become woven together as never before
Have a most blessed passage, making it what you would love it to be!
With Infinite, Elven Love, Elen
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