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Wild Love & Far Love

Beloved Star of Dawn, I’ve been so touched by the responses to my recent Elven Rock Star post. I had no idea that I would be met by your beautiful starlight heart and response in this way ~ I have felt it, truly felt it, a thousand times over. While a part of me wanted to fold away butterfly wings forever afterwards, overwhelmed by my own openness, I also have felt this dialogue, a deeper connection, like a living flame, opening up within ~ a longing to speak with you! 


The thousand fiery butterflies of remembrance can seem so elusive ~ so powerfully present one moment, and vanished the next. Yet the magnetic of our longing, our heart, our passion never diminishes or disappears. On the inner plane these last years, my quest has been the coming together of these powers of soul. How does this passionate love that is worldly and wild and human, link with the far and otherworldly love, the far reaches of remembrance? Some of my favourite music ~ some days Enya, some...

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