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Lionsgate 8.8


Beloved Angel of Worlds, Blessings of Lionsgate 8.8, the Infinity Portal for the great landing of the Star Ships, the Sun Ships, and Angelical Concordance of Worlds on Earth.


Beautiful Sun Boats from worlds beyond, laden with treasures are arriving


The Sun and her Realms have opened wide, the Elder figured light sigil doorways beaming through the new stellar realities and patterns. These incoming realities were created long ago, from the perspective of the stars, for earth at this time.


They are long forged, wrought with the intricate care and wisdom of Love. Long have we prepared for this day, known as Tin Dar Lia Thon by the Elven


It may feel as though the energy is profoundly diffuse, and your attention drawn far beyond, to where the Sun Boats are taking off from.


Blue jasmine flowers lace the prows of the Elven boats


Chart the path of the Sun Boats to Earth, be with them in their great and monumental sailing.



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What is the Song of Discord?

Beloved Angel, 


In Immortal Star Pod Episode #9 I explore the nature of the Song of Discord ~ the beautiful and strange time we reside in, with one ‘music’ of creation phasing out, and another one arriving. Of how to track which song you are in, at the most subtle levels, how to distinuigsh the subtle layers of ancient inversions that can overlay our purest gift and I AM song/light/Self for the Dawn, and remain/become profoundly True.


The old power structures, overlays in existence and predominance especially since the time of Atlantis, are founded in this primordial separation and song of Discord. Powerful inversions that hold a certain hierarchical power structure, order and flow of energy that are now collapsing.


Bring the Light of the Great Central Sun, the Radiance of your Homeworld to illuminate and recode an area of your life affected by these. When we feel crushed, controlled, corralled, sent back, imprisoned by implacable forces that...

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Elven Imbolc Stargate

Beloved Angel, Infinite Elven Sunstar Blessings of Imbolc 3.2.23. The realms are rising. The Golden Sunfire Wheel of Infinite Worlds gifts itself. Sparking and resplendent, it spins and turns. Offering to us the realms of Creation.
Imbolc is a Celestial Earthly Stargate, at this time of the snowdrop in the Northern Hemisphere, and the Fire of Brigit, of creational life-force and the seeds within the womb of earth stirring. At this magical and potent moment, halfway between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, Ostara, there is a vast revelation and suspension of energies.
Sunfire of home worlds are returning, in-flowing.
There is a Great Turning, a Great Altering in the tide.
So many sunfire doorways, long since locked and sealed, hidden, are opening.
This creates immense alteration, it stills the wheel of time, everything suspends. For a moment we gaze upon the Sunfire Doors, suddenly lit and visible. Illumined with patterns ancient and wrought,...

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