Ascension Writings, Articles & Updates to Support your Remembrance & Return for the Dawn
Beloved Star of Worlds,
I see the Solar Disc, of etched platinum and gold an ancient star of the people landing and altering the ways that have been; bringing the older way, that is yet a beginning. A higher dimensional ground, an inter-galactic and ascended earth ever more woven underfoot.
This is the Sun Disc of the Reindeer People
It is the Golden Wheel
The Sun Disc holds the codes of the New Sun
The White Reindeer Path
The Sun Disc was once physical, wrought of golds of earth by the Reindeer People when they received the prophecy of the seventh Sun. They set about forming it of the purest golds, as shown by the earth. But this was never its main intention, to become physical. It was first wrought in the etheric by the Elven during the earliest starlight ages of earth, as a record of the Great Ages of Starlight, of the Sun. This is the record of the times when the Sun becomes a Diamond Sun, and was fore-seen and known, tuned into when these...
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