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Ascension Writings, Articles & Updates to Support your Remembrance & Return for the Dawn


Who Are the Elven? NEW PODCAST!

Beloved Star,

A question I have long been wishing to dedicate a Podcast to! Who Are the Elven?

So many are remembering their own Elven Starlight, and the Elven Ones directly ~ through nature, through the Ascension Diamond Light Codes and starlight. Many are also remembering through the epic tales of the books and movies of J.R.R. Tolkien that are entering the collective consciousness in a huge way.

I speak about both Tolkien's incredible concepts of the Elven, and also of my own Diamond Light Coded Remembrance. Who are the Elven? And what is the significance of our Remembering them?

I absolutely loved recording this ~ so much energy moved through! May it inspire your own remembrance and becoming!

With Infinite, Starlight Love Elen


Listen on Podcast Page

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Beloved Star,

I am so excited to share with you the New Immortal Starlight Dream Podcast!

In this First Podcast episode I talk about us being in an extraordinary time of Ascension and Return on earth, I talk about my journey of Elven Soul Star remembrance and the incredible power of choosing to remember, and activating this within one’s existence as the Immortal Starlight Dream that is lived.

May it bring Blessings to your Most Beautiful Path of the Earth and Stars!

With Infinite, Elfin Love



LISTEN HERE TO EPISODE #1 Remember Who You Are


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Celestial Mosaic

Beloved Star of Worlds,


There is a higher pattern of Light lighting up beneath your feet, a higher ground on which to stand. It is simply a choice to switch this on. Holding intent, you can make a request to shift to a higher ground. 


It is there. By higher, I mean more alive, and whole, and full of the evolutionary patterns and True Direction of your Soul Star. A Map of Light, Crystalline, beneath your feet. 


A Peach Elder of Nuola sits beside you in the Temple of the Morningstar, speaking gently of this.


There is New Ground beneath your feet


With Infinite, Elfin Love


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Thel'Arian & the White Phoenix

  Beloved Star of Worlds, 


Rose City rising fair in the mists before me, Thel’arian, aglow beyond. Call of the heron. Aglow, gleaming towers and spires. Snowy white quartz, quartzite, sandstone. Trees, golden leaved and silver rise in the courtyards. A gentle, gentle place. New lands are revealing.


Ways of wonder and grace unveiling, gentleness beyond gentleness and power beyond power


Through the mists, revealing itself now that the time of Return is here.


They are very gentle, the People of this place.




A beautiful White Phoenix resides at the heart of this City. The Spirit of the City, guiding and guarding its wisdom


Mysteries of Power, Gentleness & Strength


Many birds haunt the airs, singing. It is a place where the True Song is heard, rises up, spirals though the Soul. Golden and silver and diamond songs. Obsidian is there too, in the peace and the power underlying.


Here is the rebirth through...

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Eternal Solar Crown of Gwenhwyfar

Beloved Star,


Elven wisdom has been hidden, those carrying Elven Heritage have been hidden. And it is changing right now!!!


So much hasn’t yet been shared. It is just the beginning.


Within the Elven Aurora Portal is the Avant-Garde Quest of the Soul Star and I AM Diamond Avatar Ascension. In my own Epical Quest, it is the Elven Star Solar Crown of Gwenhwyfar I AM listening for and downloading, that dances with the lights of the Sun and its Auroras, the flames and fires that come from here. Bringing the light codes and information of higher dimensional existence


And the truths of universal sovereignty, freedom and abundance


IT is the lost Elven Star Crown of Elven Existence on earth because so many have forgotten, it has almost entirely been hidden, the luminous Elven codes that run twined through us all, the paradisal and bliss codes of Valinor, of the Everlasting Stars, and the Halls of Earth that come from here, founded by the Elven.


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What Is the Elven Aurora Portal?

Uncategorized Oct 28, 2022

Beloved Star of Worlds,


It is beyond exciting to share the SHIFT of People of the Stars, People of the Sun Membership into the ELVEN AURORA PORTAL ~ a renaissance born in my travels to Italy and Canada, long felt as advancing rays of Dawn and Lighted filaments ~ A DESTINY ALWAYS ON ITS WAY ~ this beautiful, beautiful Online Membership is where the most crystalline heart star of the Ascension teachings I share takes place, where I myself experience the most miraculous shifts from lostness to Soul Star Radiance in the most tangible areas of Life. It is a transfiguration beyond anything I ever believed possible in this lifetime!


Access your own Divine Avatar, Iconic Soul Star existence  ~ the Dawn Lighted Filaments of your own Radiant Power and Iconic Presence, lit by gentlest far rays of aeons and worlds known far within!


Such a beautiful and fulfilling and Soul Star resonating expression of this beyond magical journey of return to Soul Star...

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Elven Cities of Light Returning

Beloved Star of Worlds, 


There is the activation of the New Diamond Light Codes, the next wave of our Ascension. The Mystical 7 Cities of Elven Lemuria rise


Thelarian, Dan’arian, Gantharel, Laianora, Ariandelie, Elaiye, Nunariya


Halls of Timelessness opening here


Immortal Starlight, White Golden Starlight Ways


Fair, Gates opening, those Cities of 7 Lights, connected to the Temple of the Morningstar, of Celestial and Starlight Creation


Each City a Realm of Timelessness, Ascended and Galactic anchored here.


They are inter-linked lights, fair lanterns, golden and rose and lemon and azure and emerald shine out from the cities, gently and powerfully illuminating the land


Long here, beautiful lanterns


Fair illumination, the towers of your Dreams rising. Walking further than ever before the ground of the New Earth, 7D-12D plane and embodiment anchoring now


May the realms activate throughout your Life ~ feeling...

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Elven Ashtara 23.9.22

Beloved Star of Worlds,

I would love to invite you to Elven Ashtara 23.9.22 ~ on Friday, 23rd September I shall share this Elven Equinox Stargate Video ~ so no need to sign up, it shall arrive to your inbox! This is the most beautiful 7th and completing journey of the Temple of the Morningstar Elven Stargate transmissions we have been holding since December Solstice 2021.


It is a journey to the Elven Ascended Galaxy of Ashtara in Lanaikea, overlit by the Rose Flame of the Everlasting Stars




ACTIVATE the Star of your Heart, of your Innermost Love


It is your Compass, your Guiding Star.


AMPLIFY the Star of the Heart. Of Love.


As the completing of the Ceremonies of the Temple of the Morningstar, there is this innermost Rose Star of the Heart, of Coming Home to love and profound self-acceptance in this Now Moment.


Deepen into this frequency this Equinox ~ as we enter the next...

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Elven Interview with Dragon Priestess

Beloved Angel of Worlds,

Sometimes you have a conversation with someone and it flies with the wings of a deep unseen Field of resonance ~ I felt this as Yolandi Boshoff and I spoke ~ and as the Dragon Priestess and Starlight Lineage she holds merged with the Elven.

It was very beautiful ~ Yolandi is Amazing!!! I am so happy to finally share ~ it was recorded just before I left for Italy and encountered many a tech hiccup in my mountain house over the summer, and so finally sharing now as I return to Avalon. 

And so it comes through this Equinox Portal this autumn, which feels very perfect, somehow right!


We speak of my own journey of following the Star of my Heart into the initiation of Remembrance

The role of the Elven

Remembrance and Return of the 5D and Beyond Inter-Galactic Earth

How to access this Deepest Reality of your Self and your Truth & Remembrance


It was recorded whilst I was at my father's house looking after him following his heart operation...

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Elven Birthday 41!

Uncategorized Sep 12, 2022

✨⭐️💗💛💜💙✨ Beloved Angel, Thankyou so much for beautiful Birthday Wishes ~ 41 on 11th September! I had a most beautiful day, we've been landing back from a month in Italy, at Monte Amiata in Tuscany ~ heavenly amidst wild boar, deer, thousands of butterflies in more colours than I've ever seen... my partner is half Italian and grew up there, so it was a deep and heartfelt return, and an exploration of whether we might one day make our home there. And coming home to Avalon, how the Rose Lights of  the Celestial Mountain of Amiata have woven with the Tor Celestial Mountain, and home has been spiralling chaos of leaning spires of evening primrose, giant squash plants travelling everywhere, an emerald jungle at the heart of which a house much in need of dusting! Virgo self has been rolling up sleeves, and slightly overcome by calling to create order! We used the squashes to make pumpkin cake and a Persian Feast with rose petals and sumac.... chestnut cake with Tuscan chestnut flour for...

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