Meadowsweet Moon & Lionsgate 8.8.8


ā¨¢ Greetings of the Meadowsweet Moon of the Elven 



This Moon is the time to become crowned with your Meadowsweet Crown 



Enchantingly braided, woven at your brow ~ this wildly blossoming, softly infinite flower of your Eternal Sovereignty



It twins so beautifully with this Lionsgate 8.8.8 Portal ~ that calls and calls to the infinite return of your Soul Star, the flows of the star jewelled wonder of your Homeworld and Realms of Affinity 



Be crowned. The crown, the diadem of your People is descending through the Sun. Receive this from the solar radiance. This is your sovereignty, as never before ~ golden, solar, sculpted in every moment, altering the flows of your existence



What is the braid, the weave of the crown upon your brow that they gift?



There is a Star Jewel, a diadem at its centre. This is a Star Jewel not received until now from your Homeworld. The star jewels are quantum orbs of DNA, new crystalline codings for our DNA, more of our sovereign, true DNA arriving here. More of our intelligence/consciousness/capabilities anchored in continuity, even as they wave in, destabilising the old



With this we release our old expectations about reality and ourselves, ways of perception and self-image especially



This star jewel is merging with your pineal gland. There is a big upgrade there this moon ~ if you feel the vestiges of old veils upon your vision, keep consciously choosing to see with the gaze of the One Who You Are ~ to allow things to become more liquid, fluid, dancing, literally shimmering with Light, revealing another pattern, beyond duality and judgment



And in terms of more daily awareness, keep allowing your vision of yourself and reality to alter, your imagining and visioning of what is here for you, what is possible. There are quantum liquid light fields of energy now anchored here, that your imagining and dreaming shall be catching up to. Give yourself imaginal space and time ~ reverie, daydream, setting free the star-flower-blossom of your imagination to usher these in. We are entering a completely new phase now, for which we have been in long preparation



Your ability to see, be aware of the Light of your People, your Kin, your projective hologram and reality of Homeland/Heaven on Earth shall expand immensely ~ shall be woven through everything



Have a most beautiful, blessed Meadowsweet Moon!


With Infinite Blessings and Love



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