O so so so excited to announce that registration for Elven Writing Program September 2024 is now open!

Elven Newsletter

Ascension Writings, Articles & Updates to Support your Remembrance & Return for the Dawn


Become the Gold Galactic Butterfly


Beloved Angel of Worlds, From parallel dimensions and universes of Light we in-flow. Our language, sentience and meaning is from another world. In Immortal Starlight Pod #29 I explore how to become the Divine Messenger of your People, of your Homeworld.


In the Silver Wheel, the wisdom of the Elven, are the Golden Galactic Butterflies, the messengers of our Language of Light. Each one of us IS a golden galactic butterfly, a Divine Messenger of a language and a wisdom beyond this world. We come from afar, to bring these multi-dimensional messages of Dawn, of a Greater Reality, of the Great Central Sun of All Worlds.


NOW is so much the energy of holding that Light of the Great Central Sun, of the Divine Plan and Intelligence, within the body and the heart here. It is inflowing through the Sun, Great Central Sun, and from core of Earth, Orielle, as the Elven have long known her.


You may be feeling your star aspects, celestial aspects flashing through…...

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Rose Solstice Gate Opens ✨💗💜♢✨


Beloved Angel of Worlds, I would love to invite you to join the Elven Aurora Membership for this Solstice Stargate into the Rose Moon of Elayshianora


We enter the ancient Rose, star-seeded gardens that the Elven brought to Earth, returning as the Elven lands of Elayshianora for the Age that is Dawning


SUCH a special moment to enter the journey


The Elven Aurora Membership is a phenomenally special space ~ a beyond beautiful community of Starlight Kindred all around the globe ~ I was called to create this especially for those Elder & Starlight Kin, those who feel affinity with far remembrance & carry the white starlight codes of Dawn, who feel the call to transition into Soul Star, Avatar embodiment


'Transition into Iconic, Avatar embodiment'


These were the words spoken, again and again, and still do, like a clarion call


It is to become profoundly true, in every way, to one's own crystalline, Angelic Soul Star, Source essence.


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What are the Elder Books of Light?


Beloved Star of Worlds, Welcome to Immortal Star Pod #26 ~ What are the Elder Books of Light? They are the Books of the Immortal Starlight , of our Eternal Soul Star Light and Wisdom. They are the Infinite, Eternal Elder Records of the Dawn destined to come through, to be written and recorded.


These are codexes of pure knowing, of the expanded spheres of consciousness that compose our greater moment and evolution


We know so much more than we know. There are different levels of perspective within the Self. Here we touch the Diamond Light Codes of the Elder Codexes of the Dawn. The Diamond Light Codes of our own Source Light, of that which exists in Mystery, at onement with All That Is. And so each of these Books belongs to the Greater Song of All Worlds. It brings Light and expansion to our Earth, yes, but belongs to ALL the realms of Creation. Its gift belongs to a quantum, Divine moment, going forwards and backwards; past, present and future;...

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Would You Love to Write a Book?


Beloved Star of Worlds, I would love to invite you to join the September 2023 Elven Starlight Writing Program ~  to write the infinite treasure of your Elder Record for the Dawn, to catch the elusive, golden butterflies of your farthest language of Light, the tome of wisdom that you hold for the Dawn. 


This is a Small Group, 5 Month Online Program, that is truly my greatest honour and joy to hold ~ do book your call if you would love to join!


I had a vision in 2021, sitting in the ruins of the Glastonbury Abbey, of a great glowing Golden Elven Temple of Orielle returning to this Earth, with leaves drifting down from the great trees, where Elders inscribe their Elder Records of the Dawn. Ever since I have held the luminous Temple of the Morningstar, 7th Dimensional Elven Temple of Light, in which the Elder Books of Light are written and return. I share these beautiful, luminous codes of higher dimensional Creation, of the Elven Elders of Laniakea....

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White Reindeer Women & Elven Cities of Light


Beloved Star of Worlds, Warmest Blessings of this New Oak Moon, in the Elven and Galactic Cycles of the Dawn. O my goodness, just this very morning it feels like the greatest crystallisation of much that has been forming, a convergence of Earth and Immortal Starlight, Diamond realities. I feel as though completely re-structured, and opening my heart to 7th Dimensional and Beyond physical realities/creation in a tangible way. It has been a very intense week!


I would love to share with you Immortal Starlight Pod 23 ~ Elven Cities of Light. I have been in writing retreat this week, writing the 7 Holy Books of the Elven Cities of Light. With swanfeather and copal, forming sacred space. I have felt that I am in a Kota (Sami tent), as my White Reindeer Woman avatar, listening to these ancient and eternal realms of Earth returning for the Dawn. The Books are so holy, so beyond beautiful ~ of Earth and the Immortal Starlight long woven (I shall share them in Elven Aurora...

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White Phoenix VIDEO PODCAST! ✨

Beloved Star of Worlds, What are you changing into? Such Power there is for the Creation of the New Self, Crystalline layer upon layer arriving to us, as of leaves and blossoms of Avatar Self.


As well as delicate, deepest layers of lifting and de-veiling the from the old. The Earth longs for you to become the Full Miracle of your True Presence, your True Dream ~ there is SO MUCH support for your arrival. Beautiful moccasin footsteps of your crystalline-earth-soul Far Self of Dawn. Whatever you have loved, held back, held in the wings, held in the far realms of your heart, let it come forward now!


I would love to share with you Immortal Starlight Pod #22 ~ White Phoenix


The White Phoenix is the most incredibly powerful and beautiful guide to support us through this tidal wave of delicately layered and vast transfiguration we are experiencing! I share more about the energies of our transfiguration in this Now moment, and how the White Phoenix, an...

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Celestial Swan Feathers VIDEO POD!


Beloved Star of Worlds, Swan Queen, Elven, Great Galactic Angel of Worlds, White Starlight, crystalline Christ Light Elven, so pure. Pure and full of grace, because of truth to herself always and through all. Ascended, ethereal... Her vast swan feather cloak of a thousand thousand swan feathers. And ELaïye, lit with glowing lamps. Fair Elven First Light seed of Earth. Bridge to the undying lands, to the Immortal Stars beyond from whence we come.


Here the First Elven calling to Earth, the ports and harbours of the Swan Barges, the multi-dimensional boats of the Elven.


Living, breathing Source Light, First pure Light of the Elven


Her trailing cloak of a thousand, thousand feathers, she is luminosity, Christ Light


She has retained her pure, ascended Elven codes, the Elven Star DNA for Earth as originally dreamt


Here the Elven are in ethereal and ascended form, very much of Orielle and in view of the Sunstar and Immortal Starlight...

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White Reindeer PODCAST


Beloved Star of WorldsBlessings of the Easter Weekend ~ may it bring the most beautiful frequencies of Unconditional Love! I would love to share with you Immortal Starlight Pod #17 ~ White Reindeer.


I am so excited for this one ~ it brings together much that I have been longing to share ~ of the magic of the White Reindeer for the Dawn, for our Ascension. Of the magic keys she holds for us in our Ascension, and how this links to shamanism and the Way of the Drum, and the multi-dimensional Stargate of your own I AM Presence. I share of my own discovery of shamanism, meeting my teacher Nancy Dancing Light Sherwood, and remembrance through lifetimes of these beautiful tools.


But also of the New Solar Wave, and of the healing brought by the present energies, and guidance on how to Give of the the Most Beautiful Light and Gift that you hold for all the worlds. How to do this, and to walk in balance, whilst sharing this most radical Light


May this bring...

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Arianrhod & Elven Celestial Heart


Beloved Angel of Worlds, Blessings of this phase as we integrate the vast Lighted Architecture of the Celestial Blueprint we have been fusing with, through Ostara and of before and before. 


I am feeling all this week an Immortal Starlight lunar current within, a drawing in and receiving of the blueprint ~ the swan feathers of Divine Remembrance, of Vast Wings of Return in a coherent Divine pattern I have never received so fully before. It has been quite something to still into this, and to let the silvery-golden-rose light cascade through. So much coalescing. Feeling far from physical reality as this happens, with lighted golden and rose codes cascading in, as though coming from so far away, so fast now. Such a sense of completion, and I become aware of how beautifully wrought this phase of our Ascension, that seems to bring a letting go of all that came before ~ collapsing a sense of progression into the Now.


She is so present with us in the lighted...

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Inflowing Energies

arianrhod corona borealis Mar 29, 2023


Silver White Patterns descending, inflowing. Divine Elven Citadels, architectures of Light. Arianrhod. Silver Crown. Corona Borealis. Elder of Peace. So Beautiful

Return of Infinite Realms as never before, the lighting of a thousand lost lamps within Earth and within our Hearts. You ARE the Lamp of returning worlds

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