Ascension Writings, Articles & Updates to Support your Remembrance & Return for the Dawn
Beloved Star of Worlds,
The People came here to roam in the Light. This is why they are the Reindeer People. They are not made to belong to the material universe, to anchor into this
They are made to roam the Light and the cosmic frequencies of the Dawn
The Dawn is the ever-arriving Source codes of existence, that underlie everything else. All else is the solidification of Light. Once it has solidified, it no longer exists. This is its diminishment, this is its falling away.
The People honoured this process, and understood that once the Light fulfils itself into the dimension of materiality, this is the time to let it go.
This is when it is gifted forth and surrendered
IT is not claimed and held onto
The solidification of Light causes a separation, and calls them away from the Home they truly reside within, which is the Light Paths of Creation, the flowing and ever-changing Light Ways that span heaven and earth
To claim...
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