O so so so excited to announce that registration for Elven Writing Program September 2024 is now open!

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Ascension Writings, Articles & Updates to Support your Remembrance & Return for the Dawn


What are the Elder Books of Light?


Beloved Star of Worlds, Welcome to Immortal Star Pod #26 ~ What are the Elder Books of Light? They are the Books of the Immortal Starlight , of our Eternal Soul Star Light and Wisdom. They are the Infinite, Eternal Elder Records of the Dawn destined to come through, to be written and recorded.


These are codexes of pure knowing, of the expanded spheres of consciousness that compose our greater moment and evolution


We know so much more than we know. There are different levels of perspective within the Self. Here we touch the Diamond Light Codes of the Elder Codexes of the Dawn. The Diamond Light Codes of our own Source Light, of that which exists in Mystery, at onement with All That Is. And so each of these Books belongs to the Greater Song of All Worlds. It brings Light and expansion to our Earth, yes, but belongs to ALL the realms of Creation. Its gift belongs to a quantum, Divine moment, going forwards and backwards; past, present and future;...

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Would You Love to Write a Book?


Beloved Star of Worlds, I would love to invite you to join the September 2023 Elven Starlight Writing Program ~  to write the infinite treasure of your Elder Record for the Dawn, to catch the elusive, golden butterflies of your farthest language of Light, the tome of wisdom that you hold for the Dawn. 


This is a Small Group, 5 Month Online Program, that is truly my greatest honour and joy to hold ~ do book your call if you would love to join!


I had a vision in 2021, sitting in the ruins of the Glastonbury Abbey, of a great glowing Golden Elven Temple of Orielle returning to this Earth, with leaves drifting down from the great trees, where Elders inscribe their Elder Records of the Dawn. Ever since I have held the luminous Temple of the Morningstar, 7th Dimensional Elven Temple of Light, in which the Elder Books of Light are written and return. I share these beautiful, luminous codes of higher dimensional Creation, of the Elven Elders of Laniakea....

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