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Ascension Writings, Articles & Updates to Support your Remembrance & Return for the Dawn


Moon of the Trees

In the galactic Moons of the Silver Wheel, this is the Emerald Moon, the teaching of the trees, the groves, the forest. This is the emerald wisdom of the Guardian, Elder heart, and our shift into higher, cosmic purpose and destiny. Overlit by the beautiful Star Elders of Cassiopeia. Blessings on your Emerald Moon, may you shine in your highest, farthest Light for all worlds

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Elven Rock Star

Beloved Star of Worlds, I cannot think of any journey that means more to me than the journey of identity, of remembering who I am. I remember as I finally wrote Silver wheel, after years of gathering words, beautiful as a thousand fiery butterflies, but untranslatable into a true book that would mean anything to anyone else ~ I finally challenged myself to pen the true wisdom of the codex of remembrance, to own that I COULD. I realised that I didn’t really believe I ever would, I always placed it JUST beyond my own reach, and this kept me circling, always preparing towards it. This post that I am writing now has similarly presented over and over again for at least the last two years, and I have spiralled around and around, and I would love now finally to write. It’s because it’s so personal, and that has never really been my intention or desire with writing, to tell my own story. I was always shown that Silver Wheel was the vast Codex of the People ~ it is our...
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