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Wild Love & Far Love

Beloved Star of Dawn, I’ve been so touched by the responses to my recent Elven Rock Star post. I had no idea that I would be met by your beautiful starlight heart and response in this way ~ I have felt it, truly felt it, a thousand times over. While a part of me wanted to fold away butterfly wings forever afterwards, overwhelmed by my own openness, I also have felt this dialogue, a deeper connection, like a living flame, opening up within ~ a longing to speak with you! 


The thousand fiery butterflies of remembrance can seem so elusive ~ so powerfully present one moment, and vanished the next. Yet the magnetic of our longing, our heart, our passion never diminishes or disappears. On the inner plane these last years, my quest has been the coming together of these powers of soul. How does this passionate love that is worldly and wild and human, link with the far and otherworldly love, the far reaches of remembrance? Some of my favourite music ~ some days Enya, some days Dido (O I’m a little embarrassed to admit ~ having claimed Elven Rock Star status….!!!) I love Dido, and the passionate love she invokes in me, that is so personal, and of the woman I am, and the paradoxes therein. And I love Enya, and the epic far scapes of soul ~ and somewhere there is an absolutely magic place, a beyond magic place, where all this meets. Dido puts this so beautifully, the whole feeling of it, in this line, ‘sends me absolutely elsewhere, and holds me absolutely right here’.


I have been wakening to the place where my wild fire and my Elven fire are one.


For a long time I tried to morph all of my life, all of my self expression into the Elven remembrance. I wanted to change everything, completely, forever, partly through resistance to pain. There is a Rebel angel within, forged by a resistance to this suffering, to the way that things are, who has sought to create her own universe of Light, to re-create 100% the world that she remembers from before and beyond. Quietly, within her a mute rebellion, she has stood with flaming sword and refused to accept this world. But the truth is, there is something too that this life holds, that is the key to my passion, my presence, the way that I love.


Long ago the Elven and the Star Kindred left the earth. Many, many aeons ago. There was the great Departure, the leaving of the starlight ships.


For those who remember this, it is a resonant memory, achingly beautiful and sad. The great fields of starlight consciousness unwove from earth, and we entered the great Myth of Separation.


At at this threshold of remembrance, we wrestle with the great choice of Return, of becoming ourselves, here, once more


For even as we hold the akashic fragment of Reunion that is ours to bring, so also we carry our unique facet of the myth of separation. It is ours to unbind, ours to dismantle and recode. This is created by the life that you have lived, by the incarnation that you chose, and the journey that you have travelled.


And we may want to rebel, and reject this reality that seems so far from what we long for it to be ~ yet in truth it is our very power and starlight bridge to the beyond.


No matter how wild and wounded and far from peace this might be, and how much we might long to delete it, start over perfectly ~ in truth I believe that this journey has a different destination.


Some say that we are meant to let go of our story ~ and this doesn’t quite strike me as true. The way I feel it, it is not that our story is to be LET GO OF, but to be COMPLETED into the Light


It mirrors our passion, our truest Love, in some essential way, and when it COMPLETES, it forms a sigil of this Golden Love that is the magnetic lodestone to all the wild butterflies and inter-galactic, ancient, angelic, Elder pathways of remembrance. It completes the Stargate we are here to hold.


When the journey, the story completes, it forms the most beautiful Golden Scar, an exquisite pattern, that anchors us to our centre


To the Way that we love, here and now



There is a part of me that has always resisted this ‘marking’, as though it is a failure or a concession to this world, and the Rebel Angel within would descend with flaming sword, and find another way. But another part of me is curious, humble and filled with trust, interested in the adventure, the completeness of Return, even beyond the bounds of how I have conceived of this.


Our scars do not mark us as damaged, they are the sigils of initiation showing that we have become ourselves.


I stood in the Realm of the Sun with the Elven Elders, and they guided me through this, a completion finally and a willingness to ask, what pattern does my scar form. If I let it complete, if I let it heal, what shape does it have?


I saw it becoming golden, and forming a golden sigil, and the words of it, ‘You KNOW what it is to give yourself away, to vanish, and you know what it is to come back.’


This moves me with a luminous, wild, passionate, peaceful depth. It is forged through fire and ice and no doubt a thousand lifetimes, completing here and now


It is the bridge between the woman that I am, and my far and starlight Self


And so too for you ~ the beautiful gift of the life that you have lived, the journey in its EXACT contours, the story holds some inestimable treasure.


This journey is not an interruption to your soul, yet it can seem so. It can seem a terrible burden.


Yet I want to say it is not an interruption, it is not a burden.


Our remembrance, our sentience of the beyond, is designed to pour through and recode this sacred fragment of separation that we hold, transforming it into a golden pattern that is a starlight bridge of Return.


This is where a great POWER resides.


This is the ground of your return, upon which you become REAL.


It is your heart, all that you stand for, your passion ~ not the passion that burns you up and leaves you restless, but the passion that is a far and forever and wild Love, that ignites an epic adventure of the soul.


I would invite you into this realm of the Sun, to let the scar of the journey go through its final formation, its completion, into its luminous sigil of Light, written upon you, that is your Code of Love. Let it become Golden, as the signature wisdom of the New Age and the One Who You Are.


This becomes a magnetic lodestar of existence, anchoring you to the Way that you Love; literally the magnet that calls the firefly butterflies of remembrance Home


When we let this lodestar of our passion, of our Love, of our journey, come into being ~ then we no longer feel fragile, we no longer get so easily lost ~ the power of our own Love is calling us Home.


Our wild light and our far light are one


The Immortal Starlight of another path calls.


We are not here to settle.


We are those far, fiery butterflies of another time, another world arriving to this one.


We are here to light up, Iconic Lanterns of a New Dawn, Celestial ~ Far Lights of remembrance and renewal


The final mile is our own, beyond any form that has ever been known or held 


It gifts the edges of True Presence


There is a moment when wild light becomes far light, and far light becomes wild light. When passion stills and finds its place within eternity ~ when you find the bright, celestial core of all that you have ever cared about, all that has ever hurt you, all that you have ever loved ~ and you know at last that you are prepared to exist.






WALK with me, upon the path of the Elven Ones, into the realm of the Sun. 

You are clad in your golden robe of the Dawn, the New Sun of Ancient Lights that you wear. You are so beautiful, a figure of many worlds.

You walk into the Realm of the Sun, upon a path of moonstone, golden topaz, turquoise, diamond,


There to stand in its Great Central Chamber


Elliptical portals to the Stellar Realms shine all around


Stand there and feel all of your story, your Journey of this life ~ your sorrow, disappointment, regret and wild love. Stand there with its immensity, its brokenness: anything you conceive of as broken, imperfect, that has seemed too much for your starlight soul to bear. See and feel the form of this, the image of it.


I ask you now, are you ready to let this story Complete, to form a Golden Scar, a Sigil of the Dawn?


A golden radiance of the Sun begins to shimmer all around. A far, white Star Light is coming through the elliptical portals of the stars. Radiance upon radiance of the solar, stellar, celestial Light is fusing through your story. It is bringing healing, completion.


It is being transmuted, completed, brought into the Light


It is attaining its highest expression, that which it was always destined to become


The gift of your life, of your experience, of your uniqueness


As it begins to form golden, look to the pattern.


What is its form?


What is the beautiful shape of your scar?


Look, and ask, what is the wisdom it holds?


What have your learnt, what incredible truth and wisdom have you learnt through this?


For this is a lesson of Love


A lesson of absolute, realised, unconditional Love


It may be a wisdom that none other speaks in the way that you do


For this is the edge of an existence, of a presence, of a Love that is truly your own


That is the unique expression of Source that you are


This is your distinction, your edge


This is what delineates the Star of Unutterable Brilliance


That makes you shine, an Iconic Lantern of the Dawn, of far worlds entering this one ~


Treasure this vision, this knowing of your Golden Scar, this Golden Pattern


Be here as long as you need, and when this transmission completes, you feel bright love and gratitude for this Far Solar Realm


You walk upon the path of moonstone, golden topaz, turquoise and diamond, back to this world


To arrive upon the earth as the one Who You Are


Your beautiful golden footsteps setting forth upon this earth


 And so it is done, Beautiful Star of Dawn, of Worlds!



With Infinite, Shining Love


Elen Elenna



ps The Elven Solstice Stargate 21.6.21... I have a sentience that it is to be gifted. I haven't been shown yet, and shall open it as soon as the coordinates reveal themselves ~ at the moment it is a great golden stillness as though I am pulled through the centre of my own heart, into a new universe of becoming.... I know this Golden Energy is the Stargate itself, and I shall share as soon as it stills into awareness! And so too I shall open the portal into the Elven Ascension Journey 21.6.21, I can feel another great wave of our coming together, and would be my deepest joy to walk with you upon the starlight path of remembrance, our wings unfurling side by side



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