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Meadowsweet Moon & Lionsgate 8.8.8


Greetings of the Meadowsweet Moon of the Elven 



This Moon is the time to become crowned with your Meadowsweet Crown 



Enchantingly braided, woven at your brow ~ this wildly blossoming, softly infinite flower of your Eternal Sovereignty



It twins so beautifully with this Lionsgate 8.8.8 Portal ~ that calls and calls to the infinite return of your Soul Star, the flows of the star jewelled wonder of your Homeworld and Realms of Affinity 



Be crowned. The crown, the diadem of your People is descending through the Sun. Receive this from the solar radiance. This is your sovereignty, as never before ~ golden, solar, sculpted in every moment, altering the flows of your existence



What is the braid, the weave of the crown upon your brow that they gift?



There is a Star Jewel, a diadem at its centre. This is a Star Jewel not received until now from your Homeworld. The star jewels are quantum...

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Lammas & Jasmine Moon


We are in a precious mystic passage spanning from Lammas/ Lughnasah 1.8 to White Lionsgate 8.8 ~ a time to receive on a star braid of golden diamond Light the sun ships and peoples of your Homeworld to this earth


Your mystic heart becomes the invitation, you are the one of your people who chose to incarnate here, to take on physical form upon this earth.


Your people from the stars await your invitation to join you here, to flow in through the shimmering star braid of photonic and plasma radiance, to land all around you.


Your wild heart, with all its ancient and future, timeless and Eternal Power, is the summoning and the call ~ it is the magnet for your realm of affinity.


The Jasmine Moon of the Elven, like this twining, delicate, heavenly scented flower, is a Star Braid of energy that flows through to the Lionsgate 8.8


It is a moon when we become the summoning, the call to our people


Rather than feeling lonely, not belonging,...

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7 Ceremonies of the White Bear


Beloved Star, As I write the Golden Elven records for the Dawn, it is White Fox who guides me through the golden leafen pages, that I first saw as a blossoming Celestial radiance being gifted from the North, long stored in ice and snow, in 2015 


I placed a sequence of crystals upon the floor, guided that these would be 7 ceremonies of the White Bear, that I would dance in the volcanic mountains, lakes and forests of the North West Pacific coast of the U.S., into the Rockie Mountains and finishing in the Arctic. It was a journey beyond anything I had ever imagined, and yet echoed through me with such a power and reality, an undeniable calling


For it is White Bear, In Tan Tika, who has revealed the return of White Reindeer Woman, Ainu Ainara, and her Elven record. This journey would require vast, beautiful, challenging footsteps, taking me beyond who I thought I was, casting off the paralysis and lostness that tells us we carry nothing, and synchronising...

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Golden Wheel of Gwenhwyfar Ainu Ainara Isis Ashtara


One of the things that calls me to write the Golden Wheel is the longing to write that which has never before been recorded ~ the Golden Elven record of Gwenhwyfar Ainu Ainara Isis Ashtara 

And where this meets with the record of White Reindeer Woman and the Reindeer People

It is a convergence of ancient and future records ~ of human, native wisdom ways remembered through my soul star 

Seeded long ago by the starlight of Elder Ascended Galaxies of Light, carried on Reindeer paths

It’s so transcendent a calling, yet also the gifts of the Book as I write it are so very personal. These last few moons, it brought forth such hidden gifts


Restoring fierceness 

Letting go of cycles of over-giving, correcting energy imbalances

Taking back of power ~ Isis Ashtara

Attunement to the golden heart beat of White Reindeer Woman

Radical self-love, a cocoon of self-care & sacred cladding


Under Peach Trees, blossoming, woven with Star Magnolia that...

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Reindeer Woman & the Creation of Reality

Beloved Angel, I share the final wisdom of the Star Magnolia Moon and the new Auric Presence ~ the wisdom of White Reindeer Woman and our newly anchored power of Creation! A new timeline has arrived, anchored, delivered and offered itself fully


You will notice a new coherence between inner and outer, as though something. You’ve been looking towards for a long time is now fully available and activated


There is no more preparations and oddly, no more resistance


The last egoic barrier has been overcome, so that your smaller self is not holding you separate from this golden dream, this golden reality


The aura is the dreaming star ship, it is how we create


You shall find this new depth of coherence between your hologram and your core, and actions belonging to your core flowing from you with more power and ease


We have crossed a threshold this Star Magnolia Moon


It is time to live in your quantum divine, sovereign dreaming magic, of...

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Elven Ascension Update & Golden Wheel

Beloved Angel, Here is Immortal Star Pod #60  ~ Elven Ascension update of this week. In this the last phase of the Star Magnolia Moon, there is the collapse of the old auric field, and the Sun Disc of your Homeworld is being offered to you by Earth, Gaia.  

After a powerful dismantling this Full Moon, I sit drumming and singing in front of my altar  

Connecting to the Immortal Starlight essence and heartbeat of the Earth in her Ascension  

We are here for her Ascending Heart.  And right now she is deep in her creation of Golden Realms  

She is creating our multiple individualised star nodes within her body of Light  

And this is now becoming the Earthen Golden Sphere of our New Aura  

I share so much more in this pod ~ about Golden Wheel, that I am writing at the moment, White Reindeer Woman, and theme of Immortal Starlight I AM Self-expression ~ of how this happens at the level both of Earth and Stars  

May this Bless your Most beautiful...

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Aura & Solar Cycle of the Year


Beloved Star of Worlds, The Elven wisdom of Star Magnolia, of building the Aura, continues this moon. Still there is what I would call this gorgeous stacking, golden energy this moon ~ build the sphere of the aura from the core of innermost essence


The Immortal Starlight Soul quietly re-building presence. With this there are deep, emotional, core releases and dissolutions, especially with the power of the Full Moon this weekend


But also an extraordinary synchronisation and awareness of the planetary solar cycle, and how this relates to the energetic sphere of the aura


The circling of the Aura mirrors the circling of seasons, the circles of the planets, moon, sun and stars


To experience the spherical nature of your own energy  (your aura) enables you to look at your COMPLETE use of energy ~ how you are at every point in the cycle of earth’s journey around the sun.  


This circling energy calls to COMPLETE, balanced...

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Star Magnolia Moon + Aura

Beloved Star of Worlds, Blessings of the Star Magnolia Moon of the Elven ~ such beautiful, beautiful energy this moon. So architectural and profound, bringing strength and new luminous boundaries of experience


This Star Magnolia Moon is the creation of your new Aura, that is building and building through this lunar cycle ~ replacing old energetic dynamics and bringing through the incomparable beauty and luminous warmth of your own sphere of true energy


The Elven guidance is to

 Keep the focus on inner, core presence, for this is where the new Aura comes from

Yet fanning from inner to the outer sphere of the aura, visualising this often (nb this is the lighted design ALREADY dreamt by your Star Kin, they support you in the innermost space of this beautiful creation... codes of the future anchoring from the stars as your Auric Field... they are with you & in a way it is effortless, already done... think colour, Light tones & hues, feelings...

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Snowdrop Moon & Imbolc Energies

Tomorrow in Elven Aurora is our Imbolc Stargate 2.2.24, a Sacred Stargate activation of most profound crystallisation and confirmation of your Star DNA, sacred simplicity and power of Innermost Essence ~ a ceremony amongst the lanterns of the Elven and glow of the starlight snowdrops, to bring most profound purity of focus to your Divine Unfoldment this year. We are really releasing the vestiges of the old density, in the might and harshness of this, and the Elven People of the Swan, of the Ascended Galaxy of Intika shall visit with us in this heavenly earthly stargate also as we transition completely/physically into the new bandwave.


Key Notes for Imbolc Stargate


Innermost presence - the Orb of the Aura


Splayed feathers of Angelic Wings around you

Fanning out


It is about how you extend or project presence, that which you share. But not through overdrive or pushing yourself beyond natural boundary of Presence


(Giving oo much = not thinking...

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Current Energies & your Angelic, Celestial DNA

angelicdna Jan 19, 2024

Beloved Star of Worlds, As this New Year 2024 gets underway, I would love to share the unfurling energetics, in a deep and exquisite shift point that is offering something very special from the Elven perspective of our Ascension. I share more in Immortal Star Pod #54, if you would love to listen or watch below

This is a moment to get still and receive your Celestial and Star DNA. You shall see its codings more accurately, feel its frequency with more inner truth than ever before.


Sinking into the moments between things, the still point that emerges within your experience, and discovering the white crystalline unravellings, revealings of innermost, native coding. You may feel like you know what you love, feel and are called to as never before, and that it ALL comes from within your innermost self. This self has always been present, yet it’s now as if stepping from behind a gossamer veil into fully felt immediacy. It might seem strange to imagine there was EVER...

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