Beloved Star of Worlds, To remember the greater and Elven, Elder timeline of the Soul, of the Earth, for these star paths to be walked once more, is so very much of this moment and time. We are feeling this, it is becoming so strong, like a tidal wave of return and home-coming.
In Solstice 2020, one year ago, the new instructions for the I AM, Celestial Solar Self were received. And this has been beautiful beyond beautiful, the whirling solar disc of worlds of self ancient and eternal and future, summoning and summoning everything into the golden constellation.
And this has been the ‘groundwork’ of this year, the foundation of the Celestial, Solar Self. Far within the earth, far within ourSElves.
And the guidance is, the new Solar Sun Disc is installed, and you are running the new golden codes.
And NOW it is becoming time, for the beautiful ancient golden roads of the Elven Galactic Ascended star paths of New Earth, inner earth to be woven through and through.
This begins with the Elven Solstice Stargate 21.12.21, and leads through the Elven Stargates 2022
It is the Year of the Celestial and Angelic Self, the People of the Peace, the People of the Stars now remembering the world they come from as never before. Remembering the I Am Immortal Starlight, golden leaves of First Time, of the Elder Light, and all the inter-connected ways. With this there shall be a coming together of the celestial and angelic soul groups, those who hold interwoven records in the Light. It has felt so close, and ever closer, for so long. And now the time is here.
As worlds collapse in correspondence to the Return, there can be passages of emptiness, that can also be experiences of loss of hope, of depression, or despair. As though old existences or limits perpetuate themselves, and cannot be walked out of. As though nothing ever changes, and all comes to seem a little unreal. This is the inertia, and de-energised state of the departing realities. And when there are soul aspects still attached to these realities, then this emotional experience comes. It is very surreal to travel between perspectives when this occurs, yet remember you are always being gifted the swiftest and most harmonic way home. That which presents, holds the next and the golden key to your Return. All of the immense beauty resides in this, even when it seems the most surreal inversion. Find the part of you that is anchoring and holding this old reality in place, and with Love call them home.
And so, with deep Love, I look forward to coming stargates. I know they shall be beyond knowing, and yet also reveal that which was always known, far within.
May the great star walk begin!
(Do join for Elven Solstice 21.12.21, your golden footsteps most beloved by my side, click below to join! And if you are called to hold this in another way (so often the quietness calls in these times), may our ceremonies in all realms and spaces, quiet and vast, vast in the quietness, be linked in the Greater Prayer of Dawn)
With Infinite Love
Click here to join Elven Solstice Stargate 21.12.21
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