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Elven Temple of Hathor-Isis


The Moon Temple of the Elven of moon star glow, patterns wrought carved in the pillars of the trees of another world. Celestial Moon Temple, blossoms. And I sit at the heart of it, preparing myself to receive.  And Arianrhod comes, brow to brow, a crescent moon diadem at her brow. Offering to me the Sapphire Flower. I take this with reverence, for I know the immensity and longing that is beyond and behind this moment of restoration. My heart pounds. I carry it to my heart, and feel the energy enter within. For a moment I see nothing. 


And then… pillars of the Elven Temple of Hathor-Isis in Dendera. I am climbing them, high up, and carving hieroglyphs. They are hieroglyphs telling the initiatory tale of the return of the Elven, of the Peoples of Peace who have been before, of their mighty wisdom flows held in the star of Venus, and in Sirius, the tales of the Star People and the Origin of Earth.


The great floor is pattered with the Rose Star of...

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