O so so so excited to announce that registration for Elven Writing Program September 2024 is now open!

Elven Newsletter

Ascension Writings, Articles & Updates to Support your Remembrance & Return for the Dawn


Chapter 2 of the Silver Wheel: Sun & Stars in our Ascension

Beloved Star of Worlds, I would love to share with you Immortal Star Pod #44 ~ Chapter Two of Silver Wheel: The Lost Teachings of the Deerskin Book

It holds the wisdom of the stars, of the Moonstone Orb, the Realm of the Sun and the Dragon. Of the butterfly drummers whose ceremony holds the bridge between heaven and earth. It brings an exquisite depth of orientation for this time of change


May it bless your most beautiful path of the earth & the stars!

With Infinite, Starlight Love 



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Elven Beltane 1.5.22

Beloved Star of Worlds, 

You are so very welcome to join to the FREE Online Beltane Elven Stargate 1.5.22, sign up hereAt this time of Beltane, ancient Fire Festival and portal between worlds, following the Solar Eclipse of the New Moon, is our next great global ceremony of the Dawn


Walk in the Golden Star forests of the Elven Ascended Galaxy of Orla, where long the Elven have walked and lived. They are the Elven Elders who long have mastered the Golden Flame of the Sacred Imagination ~ the cosmic play of the active, dreaming mind in alignment with the Heart of Creation


This is the time, the ceremony, of a Sacred Marriage, a Golden Marriage with your Sacred Imagination


Activate this at the highest levels ~ 


A Sacred Marriage with the Golden Spiritual Sun of your Being


The Quantum Destination, the place where you have been heading all along. From this quantum golden liquidity, Immortal Starlight, we enter/are/become the...

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