Ascension Writings, Articles & Updates to Support your Remembrance & Return for the Dawn
The old power structures, overlays in existence and predominance especially since the time of Atlantis, are founded in this primordial separation and song of Discord. Powerful inversions that hold a certain hierarchical power structure, order and flow of energy that are now collapsing.
Bring the Light of the Great Central Sun, the Radiance of your Homeworld to illuminate and recode an area of your life affected by these. When we feel crushed, controlled, corralled, sent back, imprisoned by implacable forces that...
I feel another vast shift in the field of energetics, as though we have been turned upon the Golden Wheel of greater design to a completely different time.
Vast arch-angelic accord, spheres of lilac and gold aligning, summoning all to the vast concordance and flow through of home worlds.
Laianora shines. Elven Elder, City of Light, of emerald forests and the synchronisation of a lighted portal and gateway that resembles the Sun and Moon converging, their Immortal Starlight radiances entwining.
As though figured pieces of a mosaic, through which the Elder emerald groves beyond shine and become accessible.
In Gantharel, through the last moon in Elven Aurora, the Sacred Regalia...
These are our wings, this vast field of inter-connected awareness. It is a radical sensitivity, heightened and powerful. We do not have to dim our awareness in order be free of judgements. In fact, the more heightened and clear our sensitivity becomes, the more easily we can see the impersonal nature of phenomena, and the less likely we are to get caught into subjective, emotional reactions.
We remember being thus illuminated in our Atlantean lifetimes. We remember this radiance, this clarity. It is an angelic and impersonal clarity that is also compassionate and warm. We stand in a field of vast purity, through which perceptions travel....
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