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Ascension Writings, Articles & Updates to Support your Remembrance & Return for the Dawn


Who Is Arianrhod? New Elven Video Pod!


 Beloved Angel of Worlds, Such White Silver Elven Starlight frequencies have been flowing through, in a place of stillness beyond. Arianrhod has really come through for our Ostara Pod ~ her silvery, moonlight and starlight footfall bringing her gifts. May her wisdom (and of Varda, Elbereth as Tolkien names her!) support you in this time now, as it feels we are upgrading and changing ~ the realms of Pure Presence flowing through, from inner-most Presence, into Creation. With this, so much dissolves away. Arianrhod comes, her cascade of white silver hair, the diadem at her brow, gown of shifting iridescent silvers. In her hands she bears a golden moon flower, aglow with a Celestial, Oversoul aspect returning at this time


She is connected to your Avatar, your Celestial Oversoul expression that is returning to Earth for the Dawn


This is the aspect of you that is linked to the Great Wise Plan of Angelic Return and Starlight Creation on Earth, the Great...

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Ostara Blessings & Elven Elaïye


Beloved Star of Worlds, Blessing of the Ostara 21.3.23 Stargate ~ cascading flows of gold and silver have been wrought through this portal. 


Silver leaves, beloved star, of your Infinite and Highest Light, twining and unfurling into this world, of inner-most in-dwelling, of which the blossoming of your Homeland dimension here is wrought


O the Song of the Two Trees! As we harness the balance of the Worlds of Immortal Starlight Creation, of the Silver & Golden Lights, of Inner and Outer at new levels of I AM Presence, of Love



The White Towers of ELaïye, belonging to ice and snow and the far Elven Seas from whence the Swans migrate, arise this Pearl Moon


An Elven City of Light arises this Pearl Moon in the galactic cycles of Angelical and Starlight Return


A realm of white and gold where Sovereignty is remembered, royal dignity. The purest Source codes inflow through this Northern portal, the originate codes before...

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A New Way of Relationship

elven new dawn swan elders Mar 17, 2023


So much arises! So much we have dreamt for so long! 


In the Heart of the Mystery, the Elven People rise. In the Beginning, in the sapphire waters of the Cosmic void and mystery, they emerge under the starlight.


They sing with the starlight, before the time of the sun and the moon.


Here, the People of the Swan form their luminous wings for flight, and with epical purity and strength set sail for the many dimensional voyage of Light through worlds.


Their wings are the First Light, the Elder Light of Dawn.


The Dawn that comes again and again. An Eternal and Immortal Starlight beginning that you can find in the gracious heart of every moment.


They are here. They are us. We are them.


I would so adore to share with you Elven Immortal Starlight Pod #14 ~ A New Way of Relationship 


With SO MUCH altering, falling away, and coming into Lighted Magnificence and Design this year ~ it is quite an impact on the sphere of...

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Golden Oaks of Elayshianora



Great arching Golden Oaks of Elayshianora, their golden flowers pendant upon their boughs. The seeds of the Jewel of the Morningstar at their roots.


I come into the Grove of the Golden Oaks, vaulting. These trees, we did not know as oaks, yet by a different name in those days. 


Just as Varda gathered the dew of the Two Trees, and just as Feanor wrought the Silmarils of their Light (think of how Galadriel’s golden hair shines as of the light of the Tree of Laurelin) so too your Golden Star DNA is brought to life by the blossoming light of the Trees. The golden dew of the flowers, their radiance, inflowing your Golden Heavenly Star DNA as you sit with the Trees, in the Grove of the Elder Trees of your Homeworld.


Remember the Grove you seeded here


Receive the beautiful healing record of your Elder Tree upon Earth ~ step into the peace of its sacred grove throughout the Great Aeons of Time, and for the Age to come.


May the dimensions...

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Tree of the Sun NEW VIDEO PODCAST!


Blessings of the Full Peach Moon this week ~  the Immortal Starlight Trees of the Elder Light are coming forward in the Now ~ Trees star-seeded of our homeworlds. In the realms of Ariandelïe, their leafing and twining forms are seen within the Elder Crystals. Realms we have long since wrought, and that are rising again through us ~ Tree, Forest, Leaf and Blossom of Sacred Groves, Nemetons, Returning Lands of Earth, Orïelle.


By our attention, our in-dwellingness, our energy, they rise again ~ it is a beautiful, beautiful phase in our Ascension, as we learn to synchronise, letting go of all that falls away, allowing for all that alters ~ so very long dreamt


I would love to share with you Immortal Starlight Pod Episode #13 ~ Tree of the Sun. I speak here of the Immortal Starlight Trees of Many worlds, of our home dimensions, and the crystalline layers of creation forged by the Trees and the crystals. How they herald and support our Return. So too, of...

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O Fair Ariandelie, mountains and waterfall, the flowing forests, the rising architectures graceful of white snowy quartz and golden cupolas. From here the Elder Crystals sing and sing


Long Ariandelïe of Earth, long this the home of the Elven, and the Golden Oak forests of Efalianon Efalon here, and the azure waters of the rivers


So beautiful to remember these Realms this moon, Peach Moon 27.2.23

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Your Golden 7D Temple

Beloved Star,

Welcome to the realm of Immortal Starlight Dream Pod Episode #10 ~ Your Golden Temple!

I explore the Restoration of the Keys of Power in the very core of our physical realities, and the creation of the 7th Dimensional Golden Temples of our Angelical, First and Elder Starlight for the Dawn.

What are the Golden Temples? How does this relate to the energetics of the Now ~ I share also my own journey of the transfiguration of physical, financial, worldly realities, of the golden and silver codes of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, of inner and outer, physical and spiritual realities as they are transforming at this time.

Brown envelopes, beautiful lostness, physical reality and golden letterboxes (all explained within!) …. May the owls drop this Elven envelope/invitation down the chimney at just the right moment for you! May your Golden Temple receive a most beautiful activation and summoning here

May the Golden Temples of the First and the Elder Light...

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What is the Song of Discord?

Beloved Angel, 


In Immortal Star Pod Episode #9 I explore the nature of the Song of Discord ~ the beautiful and strange time we reside in, with one ‘music’ of creation phasing out, and another one arriving. Of how to track which song you are in, at the most subtle levels, how to distinuigsh the subtle layers of ancient inversions that can overlay our purest gift and I AM song/light/Self for the Dawn, and remain/become profoundly True.


The old power structures, overlays in existence and predominance especially since the time of Atlantis, are founded in this primordial separation and song of Discord. Powerful inversions that hold a certain hierarchical power structure, order and flow of energy that are now collapsing.


Bring the Light of the Great Central Sun, the Radiance of your Homeworld to illuminate and recode an area of your life affected by these. When we feel crushed, controlled, corralled, sent back, imprisoned by implacable forces that...

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Elven Imbolc Stargate

Beloved Angel, Infinite Elven Sunstar Blessings of Imbolc 3.2.23. The realms are rising. The Golden Sunfire Wheel of Infinite Worlds gifts itself. Sparking and resplendent, it spins and turns. Offering to us the realms of Creation.
Imbolc is a Celestial Earthly Stargate, at this time of the snowdrop in the Northern Hemisphere, and the Fire of Brigit, of creational life-force and the seeds within the womb of earth stirring. At this magical and potent moment, halfway between the Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox, Ostara, there is a vast revelation and suspension of energies.
Sunfire of home worlds are returning, in-flowing.
There is a Great Turning, a Great Altering in the tide.
So many sunfire doorways, long since locked and sealed, hidden, are opening.
This creates immense alteration, it stills the wheel of time, everything suspends. For a moment we gaze upon the Sunfire Doors, suddenly lit and visible. Illumined with patterns ancient and wrought,...

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7 Great Starlight Ages

Uncategorized Jan 27, 2023

Beloved Star of Worlds,

I share here Immortal Star Pod Episode #7: 7 Great Starlight Ages

This is heart and soul one of the most central and beautiful teachings I have been gifted by the Elven, of the 7 Great Starlight Ages of Peace ~ those that have been before in the great aeons of Earth’s Creation, and the 7th Great Crystal Age of Peace into which we embark.

It explains so much of all that we travel through as we Return ~ all that is ignited and travelled through ~ the initiations of Return that flow through the spaces of our lives as we come into remembrance of so much that has been forgotten

May this bring vast blessings to you ~ supporting you to seed more deeply than ever the ancient, infinite starry roots of your true knowing and remembrance in this lifetime

With Infinite, Elfin Love

Beautiful Artwork by River Dream Park


ps A beautiful group is forming for the Elven Supernova Writing Program, beginning March 2023, If you would love to explore your Record for...

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