Celebration, thanksgiving.
The end to suffering, separation, the end of an era. A vast aeon entirely completed with. Celebrate in your heart. Evoke this emotion, this feeling. This joy.
Resistance dissolves. Within and without. Angels walk the earth once more. They uncloak, unclad, revealing the Diamond golden Mosaic robes of their magnificence, of the Great Central Sun aglow through their cells and being-ness.
Of effortless Oneness, as the golden diamond tidal wave breaks through the crusts.
There will be some things that were once ‘real’ in the physical, that are no longer so. Notice what is real now FOR YOU, what has substance (GOLDEN, DIAMOND, BRAIDED), through and through.
What feels like ‘ground’ in your life, that has both physical and metaphysical reality and presence to it.
In the midst of all your reality, this will be some, not all, of it.
It might be unexpected. It might be a revelation. It might be 'slight', and yet vast, compared to what you held on to before
Treasure and celebrate that which stands ~ that which is real. For this is the new Diamond, golden braided reality, your own golden Angelic and miraculous existence for the Dawn
What remains, aglow as a thousand jasmine blossoms, is the Divine, Golden Lantern of your Existence, a Sun of a Thousand Suns in the Dawn that is nigh
All else falls away.
To support this new physical experience, this white flowering, jasmine moon of its celebration, as we flow towards Lammas and Lionsgate ~ I would love to share with you Immortal Star Pod #32 ~ Elven Galactic Light Body Teachings.
This pod gives you Elven guidance on how to awaken your Ascended, Angelic Body of Light, and explains the nature of this body of Light for the Dawn.
I share the Elven light dynamics and structure of our body of Light as a Shining One, as One Who Walks the Immortal Starlight upon Earth ~ a miracle, a lantern aglow!
May this support your transition into the New Diamond Light Braided Weave of Physical Reality, and give you bearings and a beautiful new vastly expanded ground upon which to walk at this time!
May this bless your beautiful path of the earth & stars!
With Infinite Far, Love
Elen Elenna
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