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Remember the Legend of Your Return


Beloved Angel of Worlds, I would love to share with you Immortal Star Pod #30 ~ Return of the Shining Ones, the Legend of the Silver Wheel


This beautiful Book of Starlight gifted to me many moons ago holds the legend of the Return of the Shining Ones for the Dawn ~ of the Angels of the Great Central Sun, the Divine Messengers and Ancient, Future Souls who hold the wisdom of a New Dawn for this Earth.


I share this Legend of Return, to inspire your own Return in the Full Light of the One Who You Are


Our remembrance, Ascension and Return is a beautiful, challenging and mysterious process. It involves great surrender, as well as great Light. The Elven created the Elder Starlight Record of the Silver Wheel during the Age one Lemuria to guide us through this ~ to help us awaken to the true legend of who we are


As we awaken the Diamond, Golden, Immortal Starlight octave of Creation and New Era of Light for all the Worlds


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What is the Song of Discord?

Beloved Angel, 


In Immortal Star Pod Episode #9 I explore the nature of the Song of Discord ~ the beautiful and strange time we reside in, with one ‘music’ of creation phasing out, and another one arriving. Of how to track which song you are in, at the most subtle levels, how to distinuigsh the subtle layers of ancient inversions that can overlay our purest gift and I AM song/light/Self for the Dawn, and remain/become profoundly True.


The old power structures, overlays in existence and predominance especially since the time of Atlantis, are founded in this primordial separation and song of Discord. Powerful inversions that hold a certain hierarchical power structure, order and flow of energy that are now collapsing.


Bring the Light of the Great Central Sun, the Radiance of your Homeworld to illuminate and recode an area of your life affected by these. When we feel crushed, controlled, corralled, sent back, imprisoned by implacable forces that...

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Elven Temple of Hathor-Isis


The Moon Temple of the Elven of moon star glow, patterns wrought carved in the pillars of the trees of another world. Celestial Moon Temple, blossoms. And I sit at the heart of it, preparing myself to receive.  And Arianrhod comes, brow to brow, a crescent moon diadem at her brow. Offering to me the Sapphire Flower. I take this with reverence, for I know the immensity and longing that is beyond and behind this moment of restoration. My heart pounds. I carry it to my heart, and feel the energy enter within. For a moment I see nothing. 


And then… pillars of the Elven Temple of Hathor-Isis in Dendera. I am climbing them, high up, and carving hieroglyphs. They are hieroglyphs telling the initiatory tale of the return of the Elven, of the Peoples of Peace who have been before, of their mighty wisdom flows held in the star of Venus, and in Sirius, the tales of the Star People and the Origin of Earth.


The great floor is pattered with the Rose Star of...

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Gwenhwyfar Elven Queen

What is the gift, the sacred heart of this ancient Elfin Queen, this Gwenhwyfar, Guinevere, White Enchantress? She who has so long haunted our hearts and our imaginations.


As the old elemental essences awaken, and reveal their cosmic wisdom once more, we listen.


For within her heart burns the beautiful solar flame, the golden one. It is not the lunar mystery, but an ethereal solar radiance. This that they call the Christed Light is hers, these Solar Crystalline Codes that so alter us, that restore us to remembrance of ourselves as Creators.


We are existing in a whole new way. So powerfully different, and yet so subtle. Lit up, as Shining Ones, there is also a disappearance. What this is, disappears from the sight-line of the old consciousness. It falls under the radar of the old notion of existence.


As ethereal solar radiances, we introduce the star realities and the dreams of the soul to this world. We are the Daykeepers, the ones who keep the golden...

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Who Are the Elven? NEW PODCAST!

Beloved Star,

A question I have long been wishing to dedicate a Podcast to! Who Are the Elven?

So many are remembering their own Elven Starlight, and the Elven Ones directly ~ through nature, through the Ascension Diamond Light Codes and starlight. Many are also remembering through the epic tales of the books and movies of J.R.R. Tolkien that are entering the collective consciousness in a huge way.

I speak about both Tolkien's incredible concepts of the Elven, and also of my own Diamond Light Coded Remembrance. Who are the Elven? And what is the significance of our Remembering them?

I absolutely loved recording this ~ so much energy moved through! May it inspire your own remembrance and becoming!

With Infinite, Starlight Love Elen


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Beloved Star,

I am so excited to share with you the New Immortal Starlight Dream Podcast!

In this First Podcast episode I talk about us being in an extraordinary time of Ascension and Return on earth, I talk about my journey of Elven Soul Star remembrance and the incredible power of choosing to remember, and activating this within one’s existence as the Immortal Starlight Dream that is lived.

May it bring Blessings to your Most Beautiful Path of the Earth and Stars!

With Infinite, Elfin Love



LISTEN HERE TO EPISODE #1 Remember Who You Are


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