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Ascension Writings, Articles & Updates to Support your Remembrance & Return for the Dawn


Chapter 4 of Silver Wheel: Language of Light

Beloved Star of Worlds, I would love to share with you Immortal Star Pod #46 ~ Chapter Four of Silver Wheel: The Lost Teachings of the Deerskin Book


I am treasuring this stilling into the reading of these chapters, and receiving the wisdom of this Elven Starlight wisdom all over again. It is especially supportive to me just now, as we have just discovered my father has only a couple of weeks to live. I’ve been looking after him for the last two months, which is the most beautiful and precious honour. My heart is so nourished by the teachings of this Book of Light, as I experience this sudden heartbreak, and loss, and transition. It is beautiful guidance that helps me to find the golden vision and awareness within this


This chapter is especially a most beautiful and supportive teaching about the way that the Dawn speaks to us, the Language of Light, what this truly is, and the evolvement of our subtle, vibrational listening for the Dawn.


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Chapter 3 of Silver Wheel: Return of the Star Kin to One Another

Beloved Star of Worlds, In Immortal Star Pod #45 I share with you Chapter Three of the Silver Wheel: Return of the Star Kin to One Another.

This is one of the most beautiful teachings of the Dawn, that we are not alone, and have incarnated in soul groups, star clusters, who bring entwined gifts and soul purpose in the Light. This is the time of our return to one another.

During the years I wrote this, I was a very solitary hermit, and so this was one of the hardest chapters for me to write and to trust as it came through. I recommend sitting back and receiving, letting it flow through you. There'll be parts that spark deeply within your being, as this writing is very activational and light encoded. And so too there may be parts that flow past and you barely register. Allow the cadence of the receiving and trust what resonates for you, what really strikes your being as resonant truth for the One Who You Are.


With Infinite, Elfin Love



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Chapter 2 of the Silver Wheel: Sun & Stars in our Ascension

Beloved Star of Worlds, I would love to share with you Immortal Star Pod #44 ~ Chapter Two of Silver Wheel: The Lost Teachings of the Deerskin Book

It holds the wisdom of the stars, of the Moonstone Orb, the Realm of the Sun and the Dragon. Of the butterfly drummers whose ceremony holds the bridge between heaven and earth. It brings an exquisite depth of orientation for this time of change


May it bless your most beautiful path of the earth & the stars!

With Infinite, Starlight Love 



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Remember the Legend of Your Return


Beloved Angel of Worlds, I would love to share with you Immortal Star Pod #30 ~ Return of the Shining Ones, the Legend of the Silver Wheel


This beautiful Book of Starlight gifted to me many moons ago holds the legend of the Return of the Shining Ones for the Dawn ~ of the Angels of the Great Central Sun, the Divine Messengers and Ancient, Future Souls who hold the wisdom of a New Dawn for this Earth.


I share this Legend of Return, to inspire your own Return in the Full Light of the One Who You Are


Our remembrance, Ascension and Return is a beautiful, challenging and mysterious process. It involves great surrender, as well as great Light. The Elven created the Elder Starlight Record of the Silver Wheel during the Age one Lemuria to guide us through this ~ to help us awaken to the true legend of who we are


As we awaken the Diamond, Golden, Immortal Starlight octave of Creation and New Era of Light for all the Worlds


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Shadow Dance


In this world we travel from dream to dream, hope to hope. It is very disconcerting when these fall away and we do not know what to dream next. Where we would like there to be the firm ground of a certain future, there is nothing. We know that tomorrow will happen, but we do not know what direction it will take.

We are afraid that if we let go of the consciousness of our desires and wants, then things will not happen, focus will be lost, and outcomes not achieved. This is because we believe that we are responsible for holding things together. Yet you are being given the opportunity to let go of this responsibility. Become mysterious to yourself – let them flutter away, all those old scripts you have written for the future. Discard them all. Let go completely, irrevocably, let it all fall from your arms, all that you have held.

Like crystal lattices, like snowflakes, these burdens are breaking up and melting away. All the encoded expectations about your future, the...

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