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Lilac Starfire of Ascension

Beloved Star of Dawn,


Fire lilac of the ancient and far citadels arising, as the new palest gold of immortal starlight frequencies flowed through in the sunlight, through the Ostara 21.3.21 ~ Easter 4.4.21 Stargate 


New realms of the Immortal Starlight Earth are appearing, those to which we are Gatekeeper, and there is a pause following the stargate, as the beam of the new sun travels far, and farther than before, awakening myriad Starlight Temples with flashes of gold light, lifting the veils of density and altering the field of possibility, shifting the parameters of that which we create/dream in a process of unveiling


Lilac domains, archways, azure waterfalls of crystalline existence


And the old weight of rock, the old inertia of the sleeping ones, the long dormancy and slumber, lifting still further


The weight is felt, the suspension, the pause and pull of the stillness, the question of whether to go forward, of whether such density can...

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Ostara Elven Stargate 21.3.21

Beloved Star of the Dawn, Blessings of the New Diamond Moon and this time of Spring Equinox/Ostara, one of the great gateways in our ascension. I would love to invite you to the Ostara Elven Stargate FREE Online Ceremony, Sunday 21st March at 6-8pm (UK time). This shall be an Elven Teaching and Transmission of shamanic drum and Elven Starlight Sounding, a time for you to visit and dream your own Elemental Temples of Light ~ of fire, earth, water and air ~ into being. It is a time to call in BALANCE as the new solar golden codes of Soul align through every part of our lives. You shall journey/dream/vision the Four Elemental Temples of Fire, Earth, Water and Air, that correspond with the spiritual, physical, emotional and mental aspects of who you are. You shall witness them in their full, New Dawn radiance/ancient starlight resonance, allowing for clearing and recalibration.

Witness the Starfire of the New Solar Radiance pouring through the pillars, archways, domains of the Temples...

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