Ascension Writings, Articles & Updates to Support your Remembrance & Return for the Dawn
Here the First Elven calling to Earth, the ports and harbours of the Swan Barges, the multi-dimensional boats of the Elven.
Living, breathing Source Light, First pure Light of the Elven
Her trailing cloak of a thousand, thousand feathers, she is luminosity, Christ Light
She has retained her pure, ascended Elven codes, the Elven Star DNA for Earth as originally dreamt
Here the Elven are in ethereal and ascended form, very much of Orielle and in view of the Sunstar and Immortal Starlight...
Beloved Star of Dawn,
Fire lilac of the ancient and far citadels arising, as the new palest gold of immortal starlight frequencies flowed through in the sunlight, through the Ostara 21.3.21 ~ Easter 4.4.21 Stargate
New realms of the Immortal Starlight Earth are appearing, those to which we are Gatekeeper, and there is a pause following the stargate, as the beam of the new sun travels far, and farther than before, awakening myriad Starlight Temples with flashes of gold light, lifting the veils of density and altering the field of possibility, shifting the parameters of that which we create/dream in a process of unveiling
Lilac domains, archways, azure waterfalls of crystalline existence
And the old weight of rock, the old inertia of the sleeping ones, the long dormancy and slumber, lifting still further
The weight is felt, the suspension, the pause and pull of the stillness, the question of whether to go forward, of whether such density can...
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