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Gwenhwyfar Elven Queen

What is the gift, the sacred heart of this ancient Elfin Queen, this Gwenhwyfar, Guinevere, White Enchantress? She who has so long haunted our hearts and our imaginations.


As the old elemental essences awaken, and reveal their cosmic wisdom once more, we listen.


For within her heart burns the beautiful solar flame, the golden one. It is not the lunar mystery, but an ethereal solar radiance. This that they call the Christed Light is hers, these Solar Crystalline Codes that so alter us, that restore us to remembrance of ourselves as Creators.


We are existing in a whole new way. So powerfully different, and yet so subtle. Lit up, as Shining Ones, there is also a disappearance. What this is, disappears from the sight-line of the old consciousness. It falls under the radar of the old notion of existence.


As ethereal solar radiances, we introduce the star realities and the dreams of the soul to this world. We are the Daykeepers, the ones who keep the golden...

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Easter Solar Radiance

Happy Easter Beloved Star of Worlds, herein are words that came through this morn, as I wrote 'Golden Wheel'... that is arriving at this time, day by day! A powerful day to access your dreaming, the arriving Self. With Great Love, Elen

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