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Elven Rock Star

Beloved Star of Worlds, I cannot think of any journey that means more to me than the journey of identity, of remembering who I am. I remember as I finally wrote Silver wheel, after years of gathering words, beautiful as a thousand fiery butterflies, but untranslatable into a true book that would mean anything to anyone else ~ I finally challenged myself to pen the true wisdom of the codex of remembrance, to own that I COULD. I realised that I didn’t really believe I ever would, I always placed it JUST beyond my own reach, and this kept me circling, always preparing towards it. This post that I am writing now has similarly presented over and over again for at least the last two years, and I have spiralled around and around, and I would love now finally to write. It’s because it’s so personal, and that has never really been my intention or desire with writing, to tell my own story. I was always shown that Silver Wheel was the vast Codex of the People ~ it is our...
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