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Learning to Receive Love

Diamond Moon, 28th March 2021


With this full moon, this diamond full moon, I see a golden stargate, flecked with violet and azure orbs, a rich gold, that has a new level of realisation, a solidified reality, a physicalised reality delivering itself through the heart. It wishes to arrive, and it is a surrender into Love. Love as realised codes arriving. This reality is asking to be accepted. Can you accept the Love, that is present, or do you push it away?


There can be sudden and unexpected reflexes, when we push Love away due to pain within us. The very reality we long for, we reject when it comes near.


It feels too much to take it in, we can not accept it.


We are inured to long wait, long struggle, we do not believe ourselves worthy.


This physicalised golden realty would deliver itself through this Full Moon Stargate. This means opening the moon of your heart. The lunar aspect of your heart is the receiving part, and its wounds make it push away...

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