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Ascension Writings, Articles & Updates to Support your Remembrance & Return for the Dawn


Temple of the Sunstar

Beloved Star of Dawn, Infinite Blessings and Love as the Solstice Stargate 21.12.22 draws near


From our many realms and worlds we come together, approaching now the Temple of the Sunstar


Avenues of white-stemmed trees leading from the many directions


A diadem of sunstone and moonstone at your brow, a long shining white cloak at your back


The Eternal Flame at the centre, a white-golden fire


Many come in their star canoes and light this Eternal Flame: a thousand suns, a thousand stars gathering. The Immortal Starlight of other universes, of many worlds


The gold-white crystal pods of Angelic DNA stored deep within our bodies ~ these are being activated for a Seventh Great Crystal Age of Peace on earth


These are the codes of return, of remembrance that enable the soul to embody its True Nature here


As we call these in, memories and gifts are activated ~ memories of having embodied in this way on earth before ~ these are the...

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