She is connected to your Avatar, your Celestial Oversoul expression that is returning to Earth for the Dawn
This is the aspect of you that is linked to the Great Wise Plan of Angelic Return and Starlight Creation on Earth, the Great Cycle of Light that is Dawning
She initiates, ignites, deepens, clarifies that Celestial Soul Star return ~ your own Immortal Starlight I AM Presence for the Dawn
She is one of the Elders of Peace, of Corona Borealis, a constellation of 7 visible stars that is her silver crown in the skies. It is Caer Arianrhod ~ a castle, a fort, a sacred circle.
From here the silvery star descent of Silver Wheel in this galaxy. From here the fully evolved Elven sequencing of consciousness, its silvery star creation flows from other galaxies and dimensions of Light, the realms where we live and dwell and originate.
She welcomes back the Angels in their Full Remembrance ~ downloading your Immortal, Celestial templates and treasures for the Dawn, your realities, dimensions, your Homeworld. Strengthening your essence as a Star Creator, as ‘Elashima’, as One Who Creates, Generates
Come back to your First Light, your Elder Star
Calling back the Original Ones, the Angels of the Dawn
Those who create the Golden and Sacred Realities , travelling worlds so to do. There is a CONTINUUM of Divine Creation within us. ’Be what you are and be this now.’ The Swans from the parallel dimensions of Light, carrying already completed codes of Ascension from parallel universes, stars, worlds of Light. We know what it is to fall, to rise, to become. ‘You have spent aeons preparing’ There is no need for delay, for preparation. YOU HAVE ALREADY CREATED SO MUCH IN THE LIGHT.
She is really Calling Us Through!
Beautiful, beautiful transmission of her White-Silver energy at this time ~ a special Ostara Pod ~ may it bring Infinite Blessings on your Beautiful Path!
You can also Watch on Youtube here….
And I would so love to invite you to join the Elven Aurora Portal, that stands open to join, White Silvery Leaves of an Ancient & Eternal Portal stand arching Here, into ELaïye ~ you are so welcome to embark on this beautiful beautiful journey of Light of remembering your Immortal and Soul Star Presence for this Dawn upon Earth you can join here...
I would be beyond honoured to travel with you in Far Remembrance ~ it is truly my deepest Joy
With Infinite, Elfin Love
ps Elven Aurora Membership shall be open a few days more, do follow your heart if you feel the call!
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