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Ascension Writings, Articles & Updates to Support your Remembrance & Return for the Dawn


White Reindeer PODCAST


Beloved Star of WorldsBlessings of the Easter Weekend ~ may it bring the most beautiful frequencies of Unconditional Love! I would love to share with you Immortal Starlight Pod #17 ~ White Reindeer.


I am so excited for this one ~ it brings together much that I have been longing to share ~ of the magic of the White Reindeer for the Dawn, for our Ascension. Of the magic keys she holds for us in our Ascension, and how this links to shamanism and the Way of the Drum, and the multi-dimensional Stargate of your own I AM Presence. I share of my own discovery of shamanism, meeting my teacher Nancy Dancing Light Sherwood, and remembrance through lifetimes of these beautiful tools.


But also of the New Solar Wave, and of the healing brought by the present energies, and guidance on how to Give of the the Most Beautiful Light and Gift that you hold for all the worlds. How to do this, and to walk in balance, whilst sharing this most radical Light


May this bring...

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