Here the First Elven calling to Earth, the ports and harbours of the Swan Barges, the multi-dimensional boats of the Elven.
Living, breathing Source Light, First pure Light of the Elven
Her trailing cloak of a thousand, thousand feathers, she is luminosity, Christ Light
She has retained her pure, ascended Elven codes, the Elven Star DNA for Earth as originally dreamt
Here the Elven are in ethereal and ascended form, very much of Orielle and in view of the Sunstar and Immortal Starlight Lands
They reveal how to stand out clearly in a very clear frequency differential
Your frequency signature shall become much stronger and more distinct now
Their guidance: '‘To stand Tall, to not diminish yourself. To not imagine that you are failing. You ever more and ever more set into your radiance, you are as a sun, a beacon, who is gradually and beautifully arising over the horizon, the light at first soft, and growing stronger and streaks filling the skies of the pearlescent and apricot and crimson beauty you carry. You are rising softly, graciously, powerfully as the Dawn of a New Era, as you were destined to do.'
Follow your Star of Truest Love, each and every day
It guides you as a Swan, a Star of Dawn
I so would love to share with you Immortal Starlight Pod Episode #18 ~ Celestial Swan Feathers. I speak about the opening of the Golden Portal to the New Earth, the new physical ground of a higher dimensional reality and octave, that is a very real experience for so many of us, and a very real transition to shining in Oversoul, Soul Star embodiment. Becoming clad in our Celestial Swan Feathers, and living embodiments of the Future. Yet how to make the migration, for this to become the total reality we experience? How to cross over?
What does New Earth look like, and how do we know when we are there? This is a path that goes beyond appearances. Our own Celestial Swan Feathers, the grace and guidance, the whisper of our intuition, our Greater Self, is always coming to us. Guiding us in this great migration from one earth to another. So too are the tools we have gathered from ancient lifetimes, the wisdom and practices that are now so valuable to us, in this era of transition. Whether we stand on ‘old earth’ or ‘new earth’, there is beautiful guidance within on how to maintain and deepen this Crystalline Octave, and to don our Celestial Swan Feathers in every moment
May this bless your Beautiful path of the Earth and the Stars!
With Shining Love
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