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A New Way of Relationship

elven new dawn swan elders Mar 17, 2023


So much arises! So much we have dreamt for so long! 


In the Heart of the Mystery, the Elven People rise. In the Beginning, in the sapphire waters of the Cosmic void and mystery, they emerge under the starlight.


They sing with the starlight, before the time of the sun and the moon.


Here, the People of the Swan form their luminous wings for flight, and with epical purity and strength set sail for the many dimensional voyage of Light through worlds.


Their wings are the First Light, the Elder Light of Dawn.


The Dawn that comes again and again. An Eternal and Immortal Starlight beginning that you can find in the gracious heart of every moment.


They are here. They are us. We are them.


I would so adore to share with you Elven Immortal Starlight Pod #14 ~ A New Way of Relationship 


With SO MUCH altering, falling away, and coming into Lighted Magnificence and Design this year ~ it is quite an impact on the sphere of...

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