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New Pearl Moon

Uncategorized Jan 26, 2020
This Moon is stood guardian by the Eagle Elders of the Morningstar Lodge, who bear witness the rising of the sacred groves of Light upon earth once more. To a mystery deeper than time, deeper than appearances, of a New Dawn, that our souls know in their silence and their Elder Light.
It is the Pearl Moon, overlit by the Star dimension of Draco, in the greater galactic cycles of Earth. The Elven and the Star Elders share this wisdom once more, of a reattunement to the celestial and primordial mode of creation ~ to its structure and architecture that known within the natural music of the soul.
As another Great Year unfolds, of 2020, we are called to create that which has been held in the records, fashioning in the new golden galactic resonance of Source Consciousness. With so many seals lifted, there is a cascading level of new/ancient creation, that is offering itself to be anchored by you with some power and architectural presence. In the ashes of all that has been released, the shimmering fine grey stardust of all that we have let go of, on the purified ground, White Phoenix rises up, her tail feathers aglow with pearlescent colours, a fire opal of moons to come.
Over and over you have remembered who you are, and that returning mystic heart of a wisdom that is to be gifted. Echoing through to you, through dream and vision, through every passing Stargate, of the moons and suns that have been. So much returns.
It is a different time
Allow it to begin
Allow this One to come to you, this mystic vast resounding of another way that you know
Apply the architecture that has been gifted
Through your surrender you have received so much, and now it is time to apply it so that the new dimensional experience can emerge for all the generations to come
You wonder if it will make a difference, if it matters ~ yet you know it by the reverberation, the echo, the alteration in the continuum
A Morningstar beacon is lit
Altering everything, forever
You won’t find it by imitation or tracking through the external phenomena ~ it is all within
Brightest Blessings of this New Pearl Moon,
With Infinite Bright Love
Walking by your side, through the Dawn Lights
Elen Elenna
Elven Starlight Journal
New Pearl Moon

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Remember Who You Truly Are.Ā Connect to the bigger picture of our Ascension with the Elven. Discover your multi-dimensional Avatar, Gifts & Wisdom for the New Earth, lighting up asĀ aĀ  Morningstar of the Dawn

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