O so so so excited to announce that registration for Elven Writing Program September 2024 is now open!

Sapphire Earth

Uncategorized Dec 19, 2019

On this beautiful Solstice, on this longest night, and in the deepest darkness, we ignite a great beacon.
A sapphire light of unimaginable presence, the dream of the Elders that was once buried deep within the Earth.
It is a herald to the Elder Souls arriving to remembrance at this time of great cosmic transcendence, at the turning of this mighty tide.
From this dimensional gateway of Silver and Gold, we beckon, to our elemental kindred, our stellar starlight brethren, and all ascending souls.
Join us as we embark on this epic journey together, beloved ones. As we venture to the White Grove and to the infinite reaches beyond.

With shining bright love,
Joanna Jane 

Sign up for news on all upcoming awesomeness..... www.sapphireearth.com


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