Ascension Writings, Articles & Updates to Support your Remembrance & Return for the Dawn
Beloved Star of Worlds,
Of this time, to speak of Telynahari, port world of the Elven. This a transition point between the Ascended Elven Galaxies of Light in Lanaikea, and the galaxies of our physical Universe that are entering this cycle of evolution
The ships, the Swan Ships, from here have long sailed. They travel on the braided waters of worlds, especially shimmering lilac and azure.
Transitions, from one world to another, for so you are in transition, transit
Lilac fires of a New Gown of Light
Lilac fires ~ the water flows by going nowhere, here the Immortal Starlight body-abode becomes
Be with the Waters
Lilac body, First Body
Fibres, light filaments, physical filaments lengthening: form being elongated and freed
Lilac and rainbow moonstone
Gold is around
Telynahari ~ where physical fibres, light flow structures are designed and formed for physical Immortality (this is...
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