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Lionsgate 8.8


✨💫✨ Beloved Angel of Worlds, Blessings of Lionsgate 8.8, the Infinity Portal for the great landing of the Star Ships, the Sun Ships, and Angelical Concordance of Worlds on Earth.


Beautiful Sun Boats from worlds beyond, laden with treasures are arriving


The Sun and her Realms have opened wide, the Elder figured light sigil doorways beaming through the new stellar realities and patterns. These incoming realities were created long ago, from the perspective of the stars, for earth at this time.


They are long forged, wrought with the intricate care and wisdom of Love. Long have we prepared for this day, known as Tin Dar Lia Thon by the Elven


It may feel as though the energy is profoundly diffuse, and your attention drawn far beyond, to where the Sun Boats are taking off from.


Blue jasmine flowers lace the prows of the Elven boats


Chart the path of the Sun Boats to Earth, be with them in their great and monumental sailing.


Through the galactic centre, through the starlight realms they sail, descending here to earth through the final gateway of our Sun, our Star. The Sun is ready, the Lion Elders have placed their palms with the ancient sigils there written, for the opening of the doors and elliptical star portals of the Elder dimensions.


It may seem as though the star doors have already been opened, but this is a layer that has never been opened till now. They are the doorways of the Sun Boats, of Ascended planetary civilisations whose gifts have not been able to synchronise with earth until now


BE with your Home dimension, allow your attention to set sail, beyond all desire, to the pure I AM dimensions of Presence, and the forging and the gathering of the gifts that are inflowing now from your world


It is an expansion, truly, beyond all desire and thought. There is an emptiness to the Call, that signals the purity of this Light


You shall feel the holy patterns of white and diamond and golden starlight tracing themselves within you, forming intricate and beautiful patterns


Allow yourself to be adorned in the Beyond, and to Return


Beloved Angel, I am still in Yellowknife, just returned from a most beautiful camping trip upon the lake with my sons ~ just adoring to hear the thump of a beaver's tail on the lake in the dusk, and the call of the loons above. I am receiving the Morningstar Dimensions of the Elven here in a space of pure retreat, which is absolutely heavenly. My soul sings so much with these northern lands, every breath feels precious and inestimably blessed. The people are so beautiful and incredibly kind ~ welcoming us into their community. I have been drinking the wild-harvested chaga tea, and have just brewed some wild arctic rose and spruce tree tea... a Lionsgate celebration, whose fragrant essence I toast with you! If you have not listened already, I would love to share with you last week's podcast Immortal Star Pod #34 ~ A Day in the Life


Listen to Pod here...


Brightest of Blessings of this Lionsgate 8.8 ~ may starlight treasures of your Homeworld rain down upon you


You truly ARE the Great Return, trust your Self and your Far Beauty, do whatever you need to do, in order to feel this Eternal, Starlight frequency within ~ even if this 'within' feels like a vastly expanded Beyond this day!


With Infinite, Starlight Love


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