O so so so excited to announce that registration for Elven Writing Program September 2024 is now open!

Gold Moon, Elven City of Laïanora & Atlantis

Beloved Angel,

Brightest Blessings of the Gold Moon ~ this moon in the Elven Galactic Cycles of the Dawn brings the wisdom of Atlantis, of Ancient Records therein held. So too of the vast light technology of our Angelic Perception and Radiant field of deepening, heightening sensitivity and awareness once more.

I feel another vast shift in the field of energetics, as though we have been turned upon the Golden Wheel of greater design to a completely different time.

Vast arch-angelic accord, spheres of lilac and gold aligning, summoning all to the vast concordance and flow through of home worlds.

Laianora shines. Elven Elder, City of Light, of emerald forests and the synchronisation of a lighted portal and gateway that resembles the Sun and Moon converging, their Immortal Starlight radiances entwining.

As though figured pieces of a mosaic, through which the Elder emerald groves beyond shine and become accessible.

In Gantharel, through the last moon in Elven Aurora, the Sacred Regalia of Home Worlds in flowed. And I was gifted the teaching of the Sacred Regalia and its forging through the Great Starlight Ages, of how we have grown through these aeons of Greater Time and Immortal Starlight Creation…. I shall share of this in Elven Pod #7…. A mystical teaching of the 7 Great Ages for the 7th Pod!

How I am loving creating these pods, that I have so treasured hearing the feedback about, and that feels it’s building a luminous lighted field of inter-connection amongst us ~ so much information flowing in the quantum field.

As our Home Worlds synchronise and flow in, so much more to come for each one. Treasure your Remembrance. Truly. It brings new worlds, the lighted footsteps of your True Path in the now.

I have had a few years where I am so very much at home for mostly all the time, not in the forest, but learning it all has required to bring a far non-tech, deeply shy soul into deeply inter-connected Elven global sharing. Funnily, for such an expansion, it has meant a very quiet life on the whole ~ with wafts of incense, resins and leaves, sage smoke from my Elven Temple through the house, as day after day I learn how!

My dream is to take to the forest and hills a little more this year ~ we have a new car named Andromeda ~ more of a truck (learning to drive this!)! With great dreams of camping and exploring, in between spiralling back to the Elven Temple…

I have found in this early month of 2023, my dream has spiralled in and out of my heart, sometimes feeling more distant than ever, and yet also luminously closer, translucent and quantum, pervading everything. ‘Be swift and fell and powerful’ so the words of this Year and its guidance came. I feel this, and remember this now. This beautiful dream gifted in my heart, to remain true to this, and not to succumb to the fear that might mask this radiant timeline

May your Dream of 2023 continue to shine brightly in your heart, for all the realms ~ truly the energetics shift and our footsteps flow forward!

With Infinite, Elfin Love


ps A beautiful group is forming for the Elven Supernova Writing Program, beginning March 2023, If you would love to explore your Record for the Dawn, and the writing of your Golden Book of wisdom for all the worlds, do book a call with me here!


Beautiful Artwork by Euphemia Stokefield



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Remember Who You Truly Are. Connect to the bigger picture of our Ascension with the Elven. Discover your multi-dimensional Avatar, Gifts & Wisdom for the New Earth, lighting up as a  Morningstar of the Dawn

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