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Lavender Moon Begins

Uncategorized Nov 11, 2023


✨💫✨Beloved Star of Worlds, In the Elven cycles of Light, we move from the Angelica to the Lavender Moon

I stand under the Peach Tree in the Elven lands of Elayshianora. The sweet blossom of its pink flowers drifts around me. Its fruits, to come, are the fullness of Elashima, the Age that is Dawning.


I love to give what I have truly felt and remembered, from within. For the inner meaning to glow, and the sensuality, of this earthen love and immortal starlight.


Through the last moons, the Golden, Diamond Light has made its journey to the deepest parts of our physical reality, and all that holds this in place. It has touched the darkest, hidden patterns with the grace of the great angelical concordance of worlds, with the Sun boats of the Ascended, Solar Civilisations and the Awakened Light of the Ancient Sun Temples of Earth.


There has been liberation, the handing over the Keys of Power to Physical Reality. The Celestial and Immortal Starlight Soul now holds these keys, and for those who have not taken up this gift yet, it is an illumined possibility in the quantum field, the golden leaves of the Elder Forests shining in the deepest places of forgetfulness.


There is so much quantum support and Light in the places where you may have found your deepest struggles, the places that would simply never shift till now.


Even within the deepest matrix of density, in the slowest base notes of our beautiful ground of existence, we are able to find our Light and walk with ancient grace of golden footsteps back to this world.


And now the cycle shifts, and there is ascent to the Illumined Homeworlds, to the Ascended Stars and Galaxies of the Light, the dimensions we come from. You can lift your gaze, and travel in this Sailing Moon in your own carven boat, to your Homeworld, and begin to feel the brush and whisper of the Greater Vision, of the Calling of the Light for the Next Cycle, of the New Cosmic Instructions that shall be gifted at Solstice 21st December.


The Lavender Moon is one of soothing and restfulness, of entering once more the fragrance of the gathered Soul Star Gifts of your Celestial Solar Self ~ of all that you have gathered in the realms beyond, into the shining patterns of wisdom and essence.


Here we remember the Divine potentiality and Future that we bring. Here we remember and feel our own quantum grace and the leaps that we bring from our ascended and stellar aspects for the evolutionary path, both collective and individual.


This ‘resting into’ our gifts beyond, when called, is profoundly empowering. There is a moment to let go of the old cycle, to detach from what is here. To dwell in the Higher Grace of ourselves.


In this restful interval, you become ready for the vast and beautiful next phase of creation and dreaming you bring to this world. You are so beautiful. You have brought so much to this Earth in this last cycle, more than even you know


I share with you this week Immortal Star Pod #47 ~ Chapter 5 of the Silver Wheel, listen here, or watch here...


This is the immeasurably beautiful wisdom of the Trees and the Sacred Groves for the New Dawn


It is one of my favourite chapters of this Book of Light! The Trees and the Silver Grove connect us to our higher destiny, our cosmic and interconnected purpose. With them, we raise our gaze to the destiny we hold as the Golden leaved Forest of Earth’s returning Dream


You are so very welcome to join us in Elven Aurora Portal for this Lavender Moonit shall be beyond beautiful cosmic preparation in your Homeworld for the Solstice to come, and your own next great phase of destiny. These transmissions and global community are just beyond exquisite, a foundational living path of radiant ascension that brings such guidance, moment to moment, attuning you to your higher path for the Dawn, find out more here...


With Infinite, Starlight Love,



✨Listen to Pod Here✨

✨ Watch on Youtube Here ✨


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