Coming Soon!!! A new online ascension portal Sapphire Earth ~ overflowing with Elvenstar inspiration, vision, dancing starlight and ho hummm of the Trees ~ with lots of free videos and podcasts and writings ~ for the Silver Wheel teachings ~ of remembrance and return ~ of ascension into all that we are. I hope this shall be such a beautiful resource ~ Joanna Jane Delves, beautiful beautiful Elven Cosmic soul and guardian and I have come together in this calling ~ creating and dreaming ~ a place where we can all come together in this great starlight community of the Dawn. So look forward to the Winter Solstice launch ~ right now it is non-stop web-magicianing, and shalt be till the golden hour!xxxxxWith Great Elfin LoveElen Elenna ⍣✨💜💛✨✨⍣Sign up for access to online teachings etc etc
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