Beloved Angel, Thankyou so much for beautiful Birthday Wishes ~ 41 on 11th September! I had a most beautiful day, we've been landing back from a month in Italy, at Monte Amiata in Tuscany ~ heavenly amidst wild boar, deer, thousands of butterflies in more colours than I've ever seen... my partner is half Italian and grew up there, so it was a deep and heartfelt return, and an exploration of whether we might one day make our home there. And coming home to Avalon, how the Rose Lights of the Celestial Mountain of Amiata have woven with the Tor Celestial Mountain, and home has been spiralling chaos of leaning spires of evening primrose, giant squash plants travelling everywhere, an emerald jungle at the heart of which a house much in need of dusting! Virgo self has been rolling up sleeves, and slightly overcome by calling to create order! We used the squashes to make pumpkin cake and a Persian Feast with rose petals and sumac.... chestnut cake with Tuscan chestnut flour for birthday breakfast.... a very very foodie birthday! I saw a Rose Tower in an obelisk form landing though the house, and spiralling White Gold Light from the heart of Earth rising up. New Codes in a vast new celestial wave incoming, feeling very dynamic, and patterning of azure light within this day. I am not sure of all it holds or means yet, but it feels very beautiful to receive. My prayer this year is for physical home, body and Self to ever more mirror the Golden Elven Temple of the Morningstar, and more time with family and friends! Thankyou SO MUCH for the beautiful blessings, it was a really magical and happy day! With Infinite, Far Love Elen Elenna
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