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Episode #56 ~ Imbolc & Energies of February

Beloved Star,

Here comes Immortal Star Pod #56 ~ Imbolc & Energies of February  

Some beautiful guidance from the Elven for the month of February, and the shift point in the energetics through this exquisite Imbolc Stargate, this earthly-celestial portal.  

It has been so very powerful to receive this, and to feel the grace of the choreography we are dreaming at the deepest levels of ourselves  

May this bring you some profound inner guidance and a compass, even whilst so much moves and changes in our world ~ holding true to your realm of Soul Star Creation in a way that is truly meaningful to you  

With Infinite, Elfin Love


Ps ‘Elven Pod’ has won the polls! I won’t change it just yet, letting the new layers of creation build into being (Elfin photo shoot on its way )…… and what it’s like to share after a giant more personal share last week xxx    

Elven Starlight Writing Program

Would you love to write your Book of Starlight for the Dawn, to access your inter-dimensional record in a most exquisite mentorship of 5 Moons with Elen ~ starting so soon, March 11th, I would adore to help you do this, walking by your side a footstep, an exquisite leafen page at a time!


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