O so so so excited to announce that registration for Elven Writing Program September 2024 is now open!

Episode #53 ~ New Year Energies & Guidance of 2024

Beloved Star of Worlds,  

I would love to share with you guidance for the energy of 2024, and the vibrational shift point we are within. Each Solstice, we shift into a completely different pattern of Light, receiving New Cosmic Instructions from Source.  

I’ve been in a monumental shift myself over Solstice and Christmas ~ packing up and moving home from Avalon. All our things are in storage as we contemplate the next phase of our lives ~ where we’ll live and be. I share more within, and how this relates also to the realms of Elven Starlight in our Ascension.  

It’s such a joy to recording the next wave of the Pod ~ our Second Year of hurtling in our Immortal Star Pods side by side!  

With So Much Love


Experience a weekly shamanic journey to support your Ascension. Join Elven Aurora now for the beautiful Snowdrop Moon and run up to the Imbolc Stargate: https://www.elenelenna.com/elvenauroraportal    

Write your Book of Starlight for the Dawn, access your other-dimensional record of remembrance and wisdom in a 5 Month Writing Journey with Elen: https://www.elenelenna.com/supernovaelvenprogram


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