Episode #49 ~ Chapter 7 of the Silver Wheel ~ Wisdom of the Waters
Beloved Star of Worlds,
I would love to share with you Immortal Star Pod #49 ~ Chapter 7 of Silver Wheel: The Lost Teachings of the Deerskin Book
This is the most beautiful teaching of the Waters, the realms of the West into which the Elven Kin and Elder Starlight brethren disappeared at the end of the Last Great Age of Light (ending of Atlantis).
IT so mirrors the energetic point in the spiral of energy that we have reached. A moment to Return to your Homeworld, to fill up with the beautiful frequencies and remembrance that only you can bestow upon yourself. It cannot be sourced in your external world, nor by another. It is the Mystery of Source, of Spirit, of Home, and this access seeds the new cycle of Light that shall be borne through the Solstic Stargate to come.
May this Bless your Most Beautiful Path of the Earth & the Stars!
With Infinite, Elfin Love