Episode #40 ~ Shamanic Worlds & the Age of Aquarius

Beloved Star of Worlds,  

I would love to share with you Immortal Starlight Pod #40 ~ Shamanic Worlds & the Age of Aquarius  

Reunion ~ re-connection ~ this the essence of both Shamanism and Ascension. They both encapsulate and guide us towards the grand Mystery of a sacred, immeasurably beautiful life on earth ~ of Heaven on Earth, the reunion of realms. Shamanism is an ancient tool and way of being, belonging to our earliest ancestors of this last aeon. It is designed for the return from separation, into multi-dimensional remembrance of our true nature. I believe it is a gift of our Lemurian selves, and of Star Realms that have continuously supported our liberation, return and remembrance. It uses natural ways that honour the earth and the stars, to shift consciousness and access our greater reality, to evolve and expand into this, and maintain our sacred connection to all beings. To bring gifts, insight, prophecy and healing for our lives here and now. There would be a shaman in a shamanic society, but all the people were shamanic. The shaman was the pro! Yet the shamanic way of life belonged to everyone in these cultures, and the way of honouring earth and stars, all of creation as sacred, and of accessing our expanded and multidimensional and Divine nature directly, as sovereign and Divine  Beings where our unique source connection was respected. People didn’t question each others sacred visions, and guidance.  There was an expectation you were called to discover who you were, and to bring through your unique gifts upon the earth. This is an individualism that is understood as integral to our inter-dependence. How can we play our part in the whole, for the greater whole, if we do not know who we are? The Aquarian Age is a time when these truths are becoming universally, inescapably relevant. Earth is vibrating into a higher dimensional sphere, and contracts based on not knowing who we are, are falling apart. In the octave we are moving into upon the earth, only that which is in its sovereign, crystalline expression, its true self, can exist. Shamanism in its pure form is the Ascension that has always been happening, though at a localised rather than universal scale. It has always sought to bring that whole physical transcendent access to the Heaven on Earth, to the Inter-Dimensional and Sacred Earth. I believe shamanism is ascension ahead of its time, the way we have always had of ascending, of moving mysteriously and magnificently into this higher dimensional and golden earth. The ‘Shimmering earth’.  

May this bless your beautiful path of the earth and the stars, for all the realms!  

With Infinite, Starlight Love



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